Social adaptation of HIV positive teenagers by means of physical culture
This article discusses psycho-educational problems developed by teenagers from the moment of HIV diagnosis. The authors consider possible solutions to such problems by means of physical culture and analyse the readiness of HIV-positive teenagers for physical culture classes.
Воронин Е.
Е., Глазырина ...
Secondary vocational training – an important stage in the formation of core competences of a future specialist by means of physical culture
This article focuses on the role of secondary vocational training in the formation of core competencies of future specialists and describes the physical and psychological development of a teenager. Using the methods of research and methodological literature analysis and pedagogical observation, the author analyses the possibility of the use of physical culture methods in the formation of core competencies of future specialists at secondary ...
Solidarity strategies in adolescent communication
The study aims to reveal politeness strategies used in natural interaction within a particular community group. The article analyses excerpts from audio recordings of conversations of teenage male friends. The chosen interactional approach relies on Goffman’s notion of face and Brown and Levinson’s model of linguistic politeness, ethnographic methods of collecting data, and conversation analysis. The case study continues the discussion ...
The theoretical framework of the process of social and pedagogical support for children at a teen club
... present a model of socio-pedagogical support for children at teen clubs and describe its goals and objectives, principles, stages, and ways of practical implementation. The article emphasizes the need to create a program for socio-pedagogical support for teenagers based on the model presented and offers the key characteristics of the program, as well as the methods of its implementation.
1. Александрова Е. А. Как открыть школу родителям и для родителей ...