Ideas about private space boundaries and tact in Russian communicative culture: results of a sociolinguistic experiment
This article discusses the results of a survey underlying a reconstruction of ideas about tact and tactlessness in Russian communicative culture.
The author considers the concept of tact to be a communicative strategy within the category of politeness that is closely related to native speakers' notion about the boundaries of private space....
Language indicators of confrontational speech strategies used in everyday marital discourse
The article examines the features of representing the confrontational speech strategy of discreditation, used in everyday communication, particularly in marital discourse. The goal of the research is to identify the speech tactics employed in domestic communication between spouses for the purpose of discrediting and weakening the communicative position of the communication partner. To achieve the research goal, descriptive method, method of component analysis, observation and interpretation method...
Linguistic means of expressing strategies and tactics in the texts of charter documents of a volunteer organisation
This article presents the results of a communicative study of the charter documents of “Proryv” volunteer centre. The author describes the main communicative strategies and tactics used in the regulations on the centre establishment and job descriptions to express the communicative purpose of regulating department and employee activities. The author identifies the linguistic means of implementing said strategies and tactics in the texts of these documents.
1. Баландина Н. А. Дискурс переговоров...
The tactics of appeal to happiness/regret as speech instruments for implementing the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status
This article deals with the ways of the strategies of defining recipient’s emotional status explication in the modern German poetry discourse. Especially we are concentrating on lexical tools of the tactics of appeal to happiness and tactics of appeal to regret. The examples of implementation of the strategy of defining recipient’s emotional status are poems, which are devoted to consideration of concept LOVE.
1. Борисова И. Н. Русский разговорный диалог: структура и динамика. Екатеринбург, 2001...
The admissibility of techniques used in the examination of witnesses
This article discusses the application of tactics in the examination of witness. The author addresses the admissibility of tactics depending on the type of witness and investigatory situation. Special attention is paid to the admissibility of using methods of emotional and psychological pressure.
1. Всеобщая декларация прав человека [Электронный ресурс] : принята Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН 10 дек. 1948 г. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
2. О гражданских и политических правах...
Tactics of particular investigating actions relating to crimes against public officers
This article considers the tactics of examining the victim, suspect, and witnesses and the on-site verification of testimony in cases related to crimes against public officers based on the criminal cases studied by the author.
1. Волчецкая Т. С., Осипова Е. В., Киселев Д. Г. Структура и особенности криминалистической характеристики преступлений, совершенных в отношении представителей власти // Вестник Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Канта. Калининград, 2011. Вып. 9. С. 93—100.
The origins of metric typology: from ‘metrotonics’ to ‘tactometrics’
One of the first Russian-language works aimed at creating a general theory of verse was Mikhail Malishevskii’s short book “Metrotonics” (1925), which offered a common theoretical frame for the whole structure of metrics. Later, some of Malishevskii’s ideas were developed by Aleksei Kviatkovskii, who proposed a unified treatment of classical and non-classical verse. Theoretics of the ‘Russian method’ in the theory of verse considered these theories unverifiable, although a closer analysis of them...
Peculiarities of the use of agonality in American political discourse (on the texts of election speeches of D. Trump and J. Biden in 2020)
The article provides a comparative and collation analysis of the linguistic specificity of election speeches of J. Biden and D. Trump in 2020. Particular attention is paid to the linguistic means of agonality functioning in the texts. This study views agonality as a type of communication of the opposing parties when trying to achieve superiority in a political contest.
The results of the study show that the means of agonality used in the election speeches of the presidential candidates contribute...
The avoidance of investigative errors when interrogating women
In view of the situational nature of investigative errors, the authors identify the most typical errors made in the course of interrogating women suspected (accused) of violent crimes. The article formulates a number of tactical recommendations on their avoidance and describes the ways to increase the efficiency of such interrogations.
1. Цветков С. И. Тактические ошибки следователя, их выявление и использование защитником на предварительном следствии и в суде // Тактика, методика и стратегия профессиональной...