Characteristics of communicative-textual functions of complex proper-tense German sentences
The article analyses complex proper-tense sentences from the point of view of their role in the text generating process. The article describes the system-formation function of this kind of sentences. The author identifies certain types of derivatory symmetry / asymmetry of the described type ...
Because or because of [“Potomu chto” or “potomu, chto”]? (Modal-communicative specifics of the conjunction)
The article considers the functional features of the subordinating conjunction “потому что (because)” in modern Russian in the reference to the nature of its structural and syntactic position in causative complex sentences. Based on the functional-semantic analysis of the use of this conjunction in the undifferentiated and dissected structural position of its constituent parts, its role in the formation of the modal organization of complex causal sentences is ...
Functional and communicative aspects of the analysis of sentence models: model and (con) text
The paper considers the main schools of communicative-functional analysis model of the sentence, the most significant function of which is determining interrelation between semantic and syntactic organization of the sentence and the context (text, discourse, communicative register, functional style etc.) it is functioning in. The importance ...
Structural and semantic types (models) of sentences and their transformation in academic texts in Russian and Polish
The author describes basic sentence models and their transformations in Russian and Polish academic texts. Sentence models are defined as structural and semantic types of sentences. Transformations employ such syntax means, as passivization, nominalizations, the use of participial ...
Infinitive sentences as a means of expressing modal semantics
The authors analyze modal semantics of infinitive sentences using examples from the Russian language of the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries. Special attention is paid to the interaction of modal semantics with the pragmatic background of the utterance. The authors identify a variety ...
Complex sentences with the meaning of condition as representatives of modality in newspaper texts
The texts of the Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedmosti (Saint-Petersburg Bulletin) newspaper of the second quarter of the 18th century serve as the material for the analysis of structural and content features of conditional sentences in the context of their role in expressing basic modal meanings and author’s intentions.
1. Азарх Э. Д., Рывкина Р. В., Черемисина М. И. Классификатор логико-синтаксических связей ...
The semantic category of affectedness and its syntactic realisation
... phenomena determining syntactic rules and tendencies but having no morphological markers, not unlike other covert categories. It is relevant to direct object selection in various languages, be-passives and getpassives in English, some types of impersonal sentences in Russian, etc.,which reflects general typological patterns.
1. Арутюнова Н. Д. Введение // Логический анализ языка. Образ человека в культуре и языке. М., 1999. С. 3—10....
Intonational means of expressing the "new" and the "given" categories in English, Russian and Spanish
... ‘newness’ and its pragmatic implications in classroom discourse // Journal of Pragmatics. 2008. V. 40, Issue 6. P. 1103—1116.
13. Zubizarreta M. L. Prosody, Focus, and Word Order. Cambridge, 1998.
Makarova E. N.
"given", "new", sentence nucleus, informational sentence structure
Igor Raspopov and Antoloy Lomov: the founders of the Voronezh syntactic school
... «Слово о полку Игореве» и вокруг него : монография. Воронеж, 2010.
Lomova, T. M., Kuzmenko, P. B., Kartavtsev, V. N.
semantic-functional syntax, syntactic pattern, constructive and communicative aspect of sentence, Voronezh syntactic school
Conceptual metonymy of the structure of the utterance
... Kövecses Z., Radden G. Metonymy: Developing a Cognitive Linguistic View // Cognitive Linguistics. 1998. Vol. 9, iss. 1. P. 37—77.
15. Nunberg G. Transfers of Meaning // Journal of Semantics. 1995. Vol. 12, № 2. P. 109—132.
Rakhmankulova S. E.
sentence structure, proposition, concept, conceptual metonymy, metonymic model
Functional and semantic aspects of threat in requestive speech acts (based on the Soviet and Russian feature films)
... материале английского языка) : автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Самара, 2010.
Vasilyev S., Probst N.
speech tactics of threat, indirect threat, prescriptive threat, interrogative imperative sentences
Pragmatic characteristics of complex sentences with relative clauses (based on German media discourse)
The purpose of this article is to describe pragmatic characteristics of complex sentences with relative clauses in the German media discourse. The author selects the following pragmatic schemes of hypotaxis structures of the studied type: specification, problematization, irony, simplification, complication, prevention and argument....
The genesis of the subject in syntax as a manifestation of verbal and logical thinking
Theoretical postulates about the types of grammatical sentences are analysed and compared in reference to the history of thinking put forward by Losev and “the theory of three areals” by G. Guillaume, according to which in-phrasal and out-phrasal morphologies are identified. The process of cognitive ...
The functional perspective of political discourse
(дата обращения: 11.07.2013).
Bondarenko I.
theme, rheme, utterance, speech act, discourse, functional sentence (text) perspective, supra-phrasal unity.
Syntactical means conveying the conceptual meaning of the poem Boring and sad by M. Yu. Lermontov: Article 1
This article considers the structural and semantic features of the M. Yu. Lermontov's poetic syntax and determines the role of mononuclear sentences in the formation of the general sense of the poem.
Бабайцева В.
Максимов Л.
. Синтаксис. Пунктуация. М., 1981.
Валгина Н.
. Синтаксис современного ...
The criminological and psychological profile of persons sentenced to restriction of freedom
This article is devoted to the investigation of forensic and psychological features of persons sentenced to restriction of liberty on the basis of a psychological and sociological analysis of persons sentenced to restriction of freedom registered at penal institutions of the Kaliningrad region. An analysis of the results of the study suggest that,...