The principles of the concept analysis of the "male" and "female" in Russian linguistic mentality
This article offers the theoretical grounds and methods of semantic analysis of “male” and “female” categories developed on the basis of linguistic data. The author draws examples from the Russian language to demonstrate gender semantic models in Russian linguistic mentality, e. g. the general understandding of ...
Lexemes with the stem –БОГ- (GOD) in hagiographic texts of the 15th—17th centuries
... 2018] (in Russ.).
Trubachev, O. N., ed., 1974. Etimologicheskiy slovar slavyanskih yazyikov. Praslavyanskiy leksicheskiy fond [Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages. Slavonic lexical fund]. Vol. 2. Moscow (in Russ.).
axiology, functional semantic analysis, God, text, XV—XVII centuries
Pisar N. V.