Understanding scientific texts on the basis of modelling semantic links: theoretical foundations of the conception
The paper explores linguistic, methodological and psycholinguistic aspects of scientific text modelling. These aspects relate to text units, intratexual links and elements of the model. The article also examines text forming functions of the sentence.
1. Анохин П. К. Теория функциональной системы // Успехи ...
Subject development and pragmatic focusing in a scientific text
This article provides a general characterization of the pragmatic focusing, determines the role of the theme of the scientific text and its influence on the distribution of certain foci through its structure. As an illustration for the indicated statements, it proposes the linguistic analysis of the original German sources.
Богданова О.
Цвето- и светообозначения ...
The scientific text for PhD students in interdisciplinary aspect
The author of the article attempts to generalize the means of language in scientific texts through the example of certain natural-scientific specialities on purpose to form linguistic and translating competence of the PhD students studying German.
1. Кузьмина Е. С. Язык специальности и особенности ...