Spiritual Ascension in the Icons and Vitae of Female Martyrs: the Collection of the Rybinsk Museum and Preserve
This article analyses the symbol of light and the motif of acquiring wisdom in the icons and the vitae of saints conveying the spiritual ascension of Saint Paraskevi of Iconium and Saint Juliana of Nicomedia. The common motifs in the two vitae are flagellation (whipping), death by beheading, and the punishment of torturers after the execution of the martyrs....
The example of humility: The life of St Nicholas the Bishop compiled by Symeon the Metaphrast
The image of St Nicholas in the translated Byzantine biography is analysed in order to identify the type of humble behaviour. The author examines the plot-based means of describing the character of the saint and comes to a conclusion about an equal combination of meekness and audacity in his humble behaviour, which is explained by the personal qualities of the saint and his feat.
1. Византийские легенды / отв. ред. Д. С. ...