On connection between codependency and the ideas about abusive relationships in young women
The article discusses the specifics of connection between codependency and young women’s understanding of abusive, romantic and marital relationships and clarifies the specific judgments about violent behavior in partnerships among women with high codependency. The study relies on 110 responses from women aged from 19 to 30. The free associations methods, the scale of codependency of ...
The problem of training specialists for work on improving relationships among older preschool children
This article describes the features of relationships between older preschool children. The author emphasizes the need to prepare future specialists for work on improving relationships among older preschool children.
Бодалев А.А.
Личность и общение: избранные ...
The orientation of professional training of future specialists towards the formation of their readiness to work on the improvement of relations among older pre-school children
This article describes various aspects of the preparation of future specialists for working towards the improvement of relationships between children of pre-school age and reports the results of scientific experiments aimed at the formation of future specialists’ readiness for working towards improving relationships between children of pre-school age. The author proposes ...
Immanuel Kant on the features of morality and its role in the system of morals
... eBooks@Adelaide, 2009.
18. Kant I. Groundwork for the Metaphysics of morals. Broadview Press, 2005.
19. Kant I. The Metaphysics of Morals. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
20. Schiller F. The Aesthetical Essays. Project Gutenberg Ebook.
normative relationships, ethics, Copernican revolution, system of customs, moral, law, features and formulae of moral relationships
Kalinnikov Leonard A.
Kant über die Eigenart der Moral und ihre Rolle im System der Sitten
... М. Цицерон. Диалоги. М., 1966. Кн. 2.
14. Шиллер Фр. Соч.: в 7 т. М., 1955. Т. 1.
15. Шиллер Фр. О грации и достоинстве // Фр. Шиллер. Соч.: в 7 т. М., 1955. Т. 6.
normative relationships, ethics, Copernican revolution, system of customs, moral, law, features and formulae of moral relationships.
Kalinnikov L. A.