The facilitation of freedom of movement between Russia and the European Union: prospects and legal issues
This article examines the legal aspects of the prospective visa free regime between Russia and the European Union,as well as the implementation of local border traffic mechanisms.
1. Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, consolidated version, 2008, Official Journal, 9 May, p. 115.
2. Council Regulation (EC) ...
Prospects for a new intervention by military in the political processes in the Republic of Turkey
... Scenario analysis was used for the prediction. As a result, three scenarios for the development of the Republic of Turkey were obtained: the establishment of a rigid clerical authoritarianism, democratic transition, and the preservation of a hybrid regime. It was identified that the highest likelihood of a military coup exists under the establishment of rigid authoritarianism, and the lowest likelihood is under the preservation of a hybrid regime.
Gasanov M.A.
military coup, democracy, authoritarianism,...
Agents approach to the state economic policies in the condition of fundamental uncertainty
... the right to establish formal institutions of the national economics, and on the other hand, it itself is one of the elements of this sector of the global socio-economics system. The article proposes the author’s definition of the economic policies regimes, which is understood as a set of rules, measures, norms to achieve the macro-goal of the country's growth through the development of its economic system. With this approach, it becomes possible to adjust the economic policies by changing their ...
Special legal regimes as a means to differentiate the legal regulation of entrepreneurship
The legal category of ‘legal regime’ is considered as a means of differentiating legal regulation of entrepreneurial activities. The author stresses the use of special legal regimes in entrepreneurship legislation and examines the purposes of their application. The article emphasises ...
Problems of increasing the efficiency of the special economic zone legal regime in the Kaliningrad region
This article considers the main problems of improving the legal regime of the Special Economic Zone through the prism of efficiency increase. The author stresses the imperfection of some provisions contained in the Law on the Special economic Zone. Certain proposals on the legal regulation and law enforcement are ...
The legal regime of Special economic zone in the Kaliningrad region: the routes to improvement
This article analyses the problems of implementation of the Special economic zone regime in the Kaliningrad region, outlines its major development trends, suggests prolongation of the transitional period for business entities using the free customs zone procedure, and emphasises certain problems of legislation improvement and application ...
Special legal business regimes in the Kaliningrad region
A distinctive feature of the legal regulation of entrepreneurship in the Kaliningrad region is the possibility for investors to use specific business regimes in the region using the legal preferences of the Special Economic Zone and the Special Administrative Region. The article examines the features of the applied special business regimes and periodization of their development. The author describes ...
On interpreting the legal category “form of government” (the case of Russia and Kazakhstan)
... one of the typical conceptual errors in elucidating the content of this category, admitted by some legal theorists: the essence of the “form of government of the presidential republic” concept is interpreted with descriptors of a political state regime.
1. Конституция Республики Казахстан (принята на республиканском референдуме 30 августа 1995 г.) // Ведом. Парламента Респ. Казахстан. 1996. № ...
Rights and obligations of the parties under a special bank account contract: Relevant issues
This articles considers the issues relating to the legal regime of accounts opened by a bankruptcy trustee in a credit institution in accordance with Article 138 of the Federal Law «On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)». The author analyses relevant judicial practices and formulates proposals relating to legislation ...
The legal regime of property of religious nature: The canonical aspect
... ресурс] : федер. закон от 30 нояб. 2010 г. № 327-ФЗ. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «Гарант».
Alekseeva N.
church property, church property law, legal regulation, object, subject, legal regime of church property
The legal status of institutions in the Russian Federation
This article considers common and distinctive features of legal status of various institutions (autonomous, budget, government and private ones). Special attention is paid to the legal procedure of financial provision of their activities and property regime. The author identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the new legislative approach to the status of institutions.
1. О некоммерческих организациях : федеральный закон от 12.01.1996 № 7-ФЗ (ред....
Some Problems of Legal Treatment of Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region
... analyses the controversial provisions of the Law on Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad region and requirements to the residents of the Special Economic Zone. The author points out some problems of the practical application of special entrepreneurship regime faced by the residents.
. Об Особой
экономической зоне в Калининградской области и о внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Российской ...
Cognitive features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with alcohol dependence
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a significant public health problem due to its widespread prevalence. It becomes a medical and social burden for both society and the patient. To what extent comorbid alcoholism is able to influence the features of the clinical course of COPD remains an open issue. The study aimed to reveal the impact of alcoholism on the level of COPD subjective symptoms in patients with different compliance. Materials and methods. 147 men with COPD in the age of 40―88...
The evolution of functioning zoning of the Curonian Spit national park
... environmental management in the Curonian Spit national park (Kalinin-grad region) from its establishment to the present day. The author considers gradual changes in the composition of functional areas and the proportion of zones with different protection regimes.
Генеральный план Государственного природного национального парка «Куршская коса». Л., 1989.
2. Иванов А. Н., Чижова В. П. Охраняемые природные ...
Legal guarantees for international investment according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
This article analyses the notion and system of legal guarantees ensured by the foreign investments legislation, reviews its general feature, and focuses on the national regime for foreign investors,. The author draws a conclusion that the existing system of special guarantees for foreign investors is neither effective nor prudent.
1. Farkhutdinov, I. Z., Trapeznikov, V. A. 2006, Investicionnoe pravo [Investment Law],...