Audiovisual translation and reception
Reception of translated texts has thus far received relatively scant, uneven attention in Translation Studies, even though reception studies theories have been applied in the last decades, first to literary translation and then touching upon other areas ...
Reception Heiner Müller’s drama “Cement” in Russia at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries
... dramatic works in numerous scholarly studies. This demonstrates the emergence of an active phase of academic discourse in Russia centered on Heiner Müller's contributions to drama.
This article aims to examine the specifics of the Russian-language reception of Müller’s play “Cement” in contemporary scholarship and culture. “Cement” holds a pivotal role in the process of mastering Müller’s legacy in Russia. The study is novel and significant as it systematically organizes materials ...
‘Genuine criticism’: An unknown reception of Kant’s philosophy in early works of Schopenhauer
... polemic against Kant's epistemology and views on the objectives and methods of philosophy. The crucial influence of this polemic and Kant’s works on the development of Schopenhauer’s philosophy is stressed. The author investigates Schopenhauer’s reception of the above aspects of Kant’s philosophy in 1811—1813 and its later evolution. For this purpose, the author addresses Schopenhauer’s manuscripts (early philosophical aphorisms and comments and marginal notes on Kant’s works, etc.), ...
Reception of German Literature by Syrian Translators and Critics in the Context of German-Arabic Literary Relations
The article deals with the issue of reception the German literature in Syria in the general context of German-Arab literary relations. It has been established that now the problem of German literature perception among the Arabic language speakers is relevant. Syria is not considered to ...
“Philosophers Will Always Admire Kant…”
... its reflection in daily life and in the main legal documents of the Russian Federation; on the possibility of deriving positive duties from the categorical imperative; and on the relevance of Kantian ethics to modern-day realities. The issue of the reception of Kant’s philosophy in Russia is also discussed, using as an example the article by Russian religious philosopher Alexey Vvedensky in the historical context of Kant’s early reception and subsequent fate in the twentieth century.
Neural Poetry as a Battle of Poetic Languages
The article develops a view of neural networks as a tool for formulating and verifying philological hypotheses related to various aspects of the generation and reception of a literary text. The principles of aesthetic communication are analyzed, in which, thanks to the development of the modern technological environment, an anthropic author, a neural network and a recipient can participate equally. Neuropoetry ...
Chinese view on modern Russian literature in the context of tradition and modernity
Through analysing the mechanisms of reception of modern Russian literature in Chinese literary criticism, the author shows that a Chinese reader has a predisposition to understand texts in the context of the urgent national problem of preserving traditions. This predisposition affects the ...
Translation of the absurdist literature as an example of cultural transfer (“Cases” by Daniil Kharms in Korean translations)
... cultural transfer, translation, and (non)translation, with a specific focus on the translator's comment. It unravels discursive and interpretative concepts that illuminate the transformation of an original text into a secondary text, encompassing reception, interpretation, cultural transfer, and literary translation, showcasing their interdependence and connection. The analysis centres on the literary translation of texts by Daniil Kharms, portraying it as a process where the social and aesthetic ...
Kant’s Ethics in the Context of the Enlightenment. Report of the 12th Kant Readings Conference (Kaliningrad, 21-25 April 2019
... Kant’s legacy. This time the conference focused on practical philosophy, i.e. the historical grounds and modern significance of Kant’s ethical thought as compared to other philosophical projects of the Enlightenment era. Due attention was paid to the reception of the ethics of Kant and the Enlightenment by philosophers in Russia and the West. Breakout groups discussed aspects of interconnection between the Enlightenment ethics and esthetics as well as interdisciplinary problems at the interface of ...
History in Transcription and Transcription as History: Charles Bally in Soviet Linguistics
... Charles Bally au filtredesa réception en Russie. In: J.-L. Chiss, ed. Charles Bally (1865—1947): Historicité desdébats linguistiques et didactiques: Stylistique: Enonciation: CriseduFrançais. Louvain, Paris. pp. 41—51.
Charle Bally, transcription reception, diachronic orthography, structuralism, Geneva School of Linguistics
Veselinov D.
Nikolai Kononov’s ‘Ceylon Island’: the poetics of mystification
... Alexander Chekhov (the name of Anton Chekov’s brother). This article explores the author’s literary mystification strategy as an element central to the poetic nature of ‘Ceylon Island’, its intertextuality, and its stylistic ‘settings’. The receptive nature of the text of Kononov’s story and the logic behind the creation of the author’s mask are considered. The structural sources of the text are revealed to be Chekhov’s Notebooks, Diaries, and Sakhalin Island.
1. Iванiв В. По ...
The resonance of a tragic sound: G. Ivanov’s poetry in B. Ryzhy’s interpretation
... Борис Рыжий. Дивий камень. М., 2015.
21. Фоменко И. В. Цитата // Введение в литературоведение / под ред. Л. В. Чернец. М., 1999. С. 496—506.
Semina A.
G. Ivanov, B. Ryzhy, reception, influence, continuity
Betwee the thing and the human being: the ethical and anthropological problems in V. Nabokov’s novel Despair
... проблеме двойника. (Из книги о формализме в этике) // Вокруг Достоевского : в 2 т. М., 2007. Т. 1 : О Достоевском : сб. стат. С. 54—73.
Vasilyeva M. A
Nabokov’s novels, reception by contemporaries, doppelganger problem, ethics, anthropology, Russian philosophy abroad, crisis of ethical formalism, Prague Seminar on Dostoevsky's oeuvre
Preventing Errors in Formation of Interrogatee’s Situational Attitude
... Уголовное дело №
Козелецкий Ю.
Психологическая теория принятия решений. М., 1979.
Kramarenko V.
criminalistical tactics, investigation plan, tactic of evidence reception,
forensic psychology.