The justification of legal punishment in Kant’s philosophy
The subject matter of the article is the problem of justification of punishment within Kant’s practical philosophy. Modern interpretations tend to reduce this problem to the issue of “retributivism”: To what extent is Kant’s theory of punishment to be regarded as retributivist? While acknowledging the significance of this question the author stresses a more fundamental one lying behind it: Is a non-contradictory theory of punishment conceivable at all within Kant’s philosophy? It is demonstrated...
The verbalisation of punctuation marks in written and oral texts: The functional aspect
This paper considers the concept of verbalization of punctuation marks, its regular and expressive forms in spoken and written language. The author identifies the functions of verbalized punctuation and other written marks in literary (M. Vishnevetskaya, V. Makanin, I. Dubcova), journalistic (radio programmes), scientific and dictionary texts, as well as idiomatic expressions. The verbalization of punctuation marks is interpreted as a manifestation of author’s punctuation.
1. Вишневецкая М. Архитектор...
Text reinterpretation and the motif of transformation in a short form of Internet poetry
In this article, I analyse the vehicles of humour in two short forms of Internet poetry that developed in the 2000s: the pirozhok (literary, a ‘stuffed bun’) and the poroshok (‘powder’). Poems of these genres are quatrains written in iambic tetrameter. Pirozhoks have no rhyme scheme, whereas, in poroshoks, the fourth line truncated to two syllables rhymes with the second line. The poroshok as a genre is a descendant of the pirozhok. Just as in jokes and several other genres, a punchline plays an...
The dramaturgy of F.M. Dostoyevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment as interpreted by Józef Tischner
This article considers the features of literary and interpretative analysis of the dramaturgy of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and punishment by the Polish philosopher Józef Tischner.
Достоевский Ф.
Собр. соч.: в 15 т. Л., 1989. Т
. 5.
// Tischner J.
Myślenie w żywiole piękna
. Kraków, 2004.
Krajewska A.
Dramatyczna teoria literatury
Poznań, 2009.
Raźny A.
Fiodor Dostojewski. Filozofia człowieka a problemy poetyki. Kraków, 1988.
Modern tendencies in media communication
... словообразование // Язык в движении: к 70-летию Л. П. Крысина. М., 2007. С. 186—194.
Raciburska L. V., Toropkina V. A.
media language, neologisms, internationalization, creolized text, polycode, expressiveness, pun
The science of love and a classical university: Nikolay Kononov’s short story ‘Anastasia’s Amnesia
... inclassable // Le premier quinquennat de la prose russe du XXIe siècle. P., 2006. P. 347—357.
Dmitrovskaya M. A., Degtyarenko K. A.
N. Kononov, ‘Anastasia’s Amnesia’, university prose, conceptual system, intertext, Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin, pun, multi-language code, anagram, egography, autobiography
The Heritage of Nikolai Pirogov in the Context of Pedagogical Conflict Studies Fundamentals
The article analyses Nikolai Pirogov’s position on the problem of conflict relationships in pedagogical process. The author points out the tendencies of Russian pedagogical conflict studies formation.
Красновский А.
Педагогические идеи Н.
И. Пирогова. М.: Учпедгиз, 1949. 196 с.
Миллер-Красовский Н.
Основные законы воспитания. СПб., 1859. 71 с.
изд. авт.
Пирогов Н. И.
Избранные педагогические сочинения. М.: АПН РСФСР, 1953. 752 с.
Пирогов Н. И.
Избранные педагогические...
Russian pre-revolutionary scientific ideas of criminal penalties of material nature
This article focuses on the theoretical ideas of criminal penalties of material nature in pre-revolutionary Russia of the second half of XIX — early XX century. The author provides an analysis of N. Sergeevsky’s treatise on criminal financial sanctions in the XVII century Russia. Special attention is paid to the research works of N. Tagantsev, I. Foynitsky and others. The author analyses the views of the time concerning expropriation and fines, and identifies reasons for the prevailing attitude to...
The social phenomenon of pilfers at factory No. 820 in the first post-war years (1946—1953)
Based on documents of the State Archive of the Kaliningrad region that were not previously used for scientific purposes, this article attempts to examine the specific Soviet social phenomenon of factory pilfers and identify the reasons behind its development, as well as its extents at factory No. 820 (today, the Yantar factory). The author presents the facts of petty thefts at the factory and analyses corresponding punishments and the management’s attitude towards pilfers.
1. Беляков В. А., Скрябин...
Relevant issues of the fight against corruption
This article studies the criminogenic circumstances associated with cor-ruption and those impeding effective fight against it. In view of the extreme social danger of corruption and the considerable economic, political, and moral damage to the society, this article formulates a number of proposals primarily relating to criminal law relevant at the current stage of social development.
Григорьева Е. Следствием установлено // Российская газета. 2015. 27 февр.
2. Латухина К. Президент Владимир Путин...
On the fight against corruption
This article considers the current problems of fight against corruption in Russia. The author analyzes the capacity of the state and society to combat corruption. It is concluded that the scale of criminal factors affecting corruption is not proportional to the means of combating this phenomenon. In the current conditions, the most effective anti-corruption measures are the upgrading of criminal penalties.
1. Клейменов М. П., Клейменов И. М. Престиж криминологии в мире и в России // Криминологический...
The combat against organised crime and corruption in Russia: reality and prospects
This article considers the determinants of organised and corruption crime, its extent, and associated public danger, as well as the economic, organisational and legal measures of its prevention.
статистика. Преступность и правонарушения (2004— 2008): Введение и общая характеристика преступности // Российский криминологический взгляд. 2009. № 4. С. 314.
Лунеев В.
Сколько стоит преступность? // Российский криминологический взгляд. 2008. № 4. С. 107—127.
3. ...