The instruments of Russia — EU research and technological co-operation in the sphere of innovations
The article focuses on the basic tools of Russia-EU international cooperation, cofunded by the EU and Russia, such as crossborder, trans-border, and trans-national cooperation programmes, which can contribute to innovative, scientific and technological development. The author gives an overview of large-scale Russia-EU international cooperation projects in the field of innovations and comments on the cooperation programme running until the end of 2013. Special attention is paid to a special financial...
On the competence approach to the development of “Psychology of health” master’s programme at IKBFU
This article is explains the need to develop a new master’s programme — “Psychology of health — as well as to identify the competences of its graduates in the sphere of formation, preservation, and recovery of health. The new master’s programme is being developed in the framework of the Programme for the Development of IKBFU.
1. Ибрагимов Г. И. Компетентностный подход в профессиональном образовании // Educational Technology & Society. 2007. Vol. 10, № 3. URL:
The «Lithuania-Poland-Russia» neighbourhood programme in the framework of the formation of the cross-border tourism region in the South-eastern Baltic and the promotion of the sustainable development of the territory
The «Lithuania-Poland-the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation» (2004—2006) neighbourhood programme implemented in 2004—2009 and the « Lithuania — Poland — Russia: 2007—2013» programme being drawn up in 2010 identify tourism development as one of priorities, which does not only contribute to the increase in competitive advantages of the participating territories but also facilitates the formation and sustainable development of the cross-border region of the South-eastern Baltic.
1. Cross-border...
Cross-border cooperation between nongovernmental organisations in the Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian voivodeships
... Polski 2007, Wrocław, Urząd Statystyczny.
5. Kargol, A., Megrel, E., Sokół, E. 2004, Unijne programy wspierające współpracę transgraniczną a ich możliwośćwykorzystania na wschodnim pograniczu: Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej na Wschód [EU programs supporting cross-border cooperation and the possibility of using the eastern border: EU enlargement to the East], eds. W. Bieńkowski, J. Grabowiecki, H. Wnorowski. Białystok,Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
6. Nawrocka, I. 2007, Współpraca ...
The role of customer loyalty programmes in the modern market
... менеджмента. 2013.Т. 11, №. 1. С. 63—94.
5. Benavent Ch. Analyse de l’efficacite des carte de fidelite: une etude de cas. Universite des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, 2005.
6. Bruneau V., Zidda P. Why do customer attitude towards loyalty programs matter a lot? // Paradigm Shifts and Interactions. European Marketing Academy 43rd Annual Conference, Valencia, 2014.
7. Casteran H., Benavent Ch., Meyer-Waarden L. L’implact des programmes de fidelisation sur la consummation: un effet de ...
The concept of improving the methodology of exclave region's economy management on the basis of investment programming
This article considers the concept of improving the methodology of management of exclave region’s economy on the basis of investment programming. The author suggests a methodological approach to improving investment programming management in order to ensure a sustainable socio-economic situation in the region.
1. Основные положения региональной политики ...
The features and stages of developing educational programmes at a university: The practical aspect
This article focuses on the features of developing an educational programme in accordance with legal and educational standards. The author identifies and describes the stages of educational programme planning.
На пути к сопоставимости программ высшего образования : информационный обзор / под ред. И. Дюкарева [и др.]. Деусто, 2013.
2. Северин С. Н. Педагогическое проектирование как технология управления качеством педагогического процесса. Брест, 2011.
3. Педагогика и психология высшей школы : учебное...
A programming language and translation
The article deals with some issues of translating technical, in particular, programming texts. The author pays special attention to the polysemy of certain English IT terms. An important problem is adapting such terms to the system of the target language. Translators working in IT are required to have extensive expertise in informatics....
The theoretical framework of the process of social and pedagogical support for children at a teen club
... particularly, teen clubs. The authors present a model of socio-pedagogical support for children at teen clubs and describe its goals and objectives, principles, stages, and ways of practical implementation. The article emphasizes the need to create a program for socio-pedagogical support for teenagers based on the model presented and offers the key characteristics of the program, as well as the methods of its implementation.
1. Александрова Е. А. Как открыть школу родителям ...
Forensic Thinking and Crime Investigation Programming
In this article, I provide an overview of the history of investigation programming and analyse the shortcomings of the algorithm method. Apparently, these shortcomings can be overcome by forensic thinking. I provide my own interpretation of forensic thinking structure and avenues to study this phenomenon. The methods to ...
The strategic potential of an organisation and the models of programming solutions in the conditions of uncertainty
This article considers the problems of studying the strategic potential of organisations in the modern conditions. The authors analyse the methods of allowing for the uncertainty factor within the programming solution development procedures.
1. Друкер П. Ф. Задачи менеджмента в XXI веке / пер. с англ. М., 2004.
2. Нельсон Р., Уинтер С. Эволюционная теория экономических ...
The programme approach to the improvement of the physical culture and sports system in the Kaliningrad region
This article focuses on the conceptual bases of the programme for physical culture and sports development in the exclave region of Russia. The author analyses the system of public administration in this field and puts forward proposals to improve the legal framework of its development.
Pelmenyov V. K.
regional development programme, state support, physical culture, material resources
Network Modelling of Transboundary Cooperation between Russian and Belarusian Regional Enterprises: the case of the Kaliningrad and Grodno Regions
... cross-border cooperation of businesses Kaliningrad], Vestnik Immanuel Kant State University of Russia, no. 3, p. 80—89.
3. Ivchenko, V. V. 2008, Setevoe programmirovanie razvitija primorskih regionov Rossii: teorija, metodologija, praktika [Network programming, development of coastal regions of Russia: theory, methodology, practice], Kaliningrad, Izdatel'stvo Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni I. Kanta.
4. Ivchenko, V. V. Bilchak, М. V. 2009, Modelirovanie razvitija prigranichnoj ...
Russian-German research and academic cooperation in the Arctic
This article is dedicated to the stages of development of international research cooperation in the framework of research and education projects focusing on the study of marine and polar territories of the Russian Federation and the Federative Republic of Germany. The largest and most stable projects are the establishment of the Russian-German laboratory of polar and marine research named after the Russian polar explorer of German origin, Otto Schmidt, — OSL — on the premises of AARI, the Russian-German...
"The Baltic University" programme on the eve of its 20th anniversary
This article is dedicated to the Baltic University programme — a unique educational project aiming at the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea region. International interuniversity cooperation facilitates intercultural communication between students and researchers, and creates new prospects for joint research, which opens up an opportunity for solving common environmental and social problems in the Baltic Sea region.
Ionov Viktor, Kropinova Yelena
Cross-Border Cooperation between Kaliningrad Region, Lithuania and Poland: Obstacles and Possibilities
This article analyses the cross-border co-operation between the Kaliningrad Region and the neighbouring Polish and Lithuanian regions. It provides, firstly, a short overview of the cross-border co-operation formation and development. The author outlines the present-day co-operation structures. Secondly, the article reviews the asymmetries that hinder the cross-border co-operation. Finally, it offers some examples of the cross-border cultural and social projects proving that the co-operation under...