Crime situation as an object of criminal law and criminological impact
The article investigates the crime situation as an object of focus of criminological and criminal justice measures of crime prevention. The methodology of the research relied on both general scientific methods (logical and systemic methods, method of analysis) and the method of formal legal analysis for interpreting the norms of criminal procedure and criminal law. The author ...
Forensic aspects of cyberbullying as a form of destructive behavior on the Internet
... approach in considering the psychological characteristics of such behavior, as well as forms and types of its manifestation. The research described the most socially dangerous forms of cyberbullying, carried out the problem analysis of existing methods of prevention and counteraction to cyberbullying in modern science. The problems of investigation and prevention of bullying are incurred by very limited control in the digital space, first of all social networks due to anonymity of their users. The article ...
Interdepartmental collaboration for the prevention of drug addiction in young people: general conclusions and recommendations
... Krasnodar Krai. Special attention is paid to several risk groups: students of comprehensive schools, higher and vocational education institutions and colleges. The authors suggest a set of measures aimed at developing interdepartmental collaboration for the prevention of drug addiction among youth.
1. Брылев В. И., Исупова И. В. Мониторинг наркоситуации как основа совершенствования профилактики наркотизма в молодежной ...
Efficiency of a pedagogical model for preventing unemployment among Russian students: Analysis and data interpretation
... and universities in Russia. A statistical analysis of the data obtained proved the efficiency of experimental training contributing to the de-velopment of key professional activities in students based on the proposed model of a pedagogical system for preventing unemployment among Russian students. An interval scale for assessing the development of major profes-sional activities, which was obtained using the WINSTEPS 3.90.0 software, proved to be independent and applicable to performing assessment ...
Personalized prophylactics of periodontal diseases of the Kaliningrad district population
Individual characteristics of each patient and appropriate choice of treatment based on the results of diagnostics present a foundation for the elaboration of programmes aimed at preventing periodontal disease. The evaluation of these activities requires new approaches to their organization, development and planning for preventing the development of pathology of the periodontium and improving the effectiveness of therapeutic manipulations ...
Legislative Flaws in the Provision of Article 281.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “ Sabotage Activities Encouragement”
... the Russian Federation has been supplemented with provisions that establish liability for preparation for another crime and forms of complicity in committing another crime. In doctrine, such provisions are referred to as criminal law norms with dual prevention, as they are designed to prevent other, typically more serious, offenses. In 2022, the heightened threat of sabotage within Russia led to the introduction of Article 281.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes criminal ...
Migrant children in the system of education in Russia: A new research trend
... and bilingual children and to develop their emotional intelligence. Interdisciplinary research should be aimed to study and develop a stable identification with the host country in migrant children and to create a feeling of psychological security to prevent involvement in terrorism.
1. Алимпиева А. В. Социальная идентичность в условиях культурного многообразия: поиск или навязывание? (на примере Калининградской ...
The technology of preventing adaptation conflicts among first year-students
This article focuses on the technology of adaptation conflict prevention among first-year students implemented in the educational process and including the target, content, procedural, and diagnostic components.
Апанасенко Г.
Эволюция биоэнергетики и здоровья ...
Relevant issues of the fight against corruption
... В. В. Проблемы противодействия экономической преступности // Государство и право. 2014. № 2.
Minenok M., Minenok M.
corruption, economy, science, crime, determinants, punishment, prevention.