Problems of preparedness of students’ parents for inclusive education
The preparedness of parents of children with and without special needs for inclusive education is problematized in view of the competence aspects of a teacher’s inclusive preparedness. The notion of co-preparedness of a diverse group of parents within a ...
The dynamics of formation of teachers’ preparedness for improving relations between pre-schoolers
This article describes the dynamics of developing future specialist’s preparedness for improving relationships between children of pre-school age. The author presents the results of an experiment demonstrating the positive dynamics of preparedness development and its components in undergraduate and graduate students of ...
The development of inclusive preparedness of future teachers: The efficiency of the didactic model
This article presents the results of an experimental study in the development of inclusive preparedness of future university teachers. This process of preparedness development is based on a didactic model implemented using the pedagogical metasubject competence and context-based technology. The author gives an overview of this technology and ...
The pedagogical aspect of irrational borrower behaviour
Irrational borrower behaviour is considered as failure to develop competencies set out in the federal requirements for non-economic professional education. The authors describe the structure of preparedness for rational borrower behaviour as part of the cognitive, socio-affective, and hortatory components and of the practical borrowing experience. The article presents the results of an empirical study into the common types of irrational borrower ...