On the morals-centrism of Kant’s transcendental anthropology and the role of morals in human nature
... обозрение. 2008. № 5 (93). С. 12—15.
16. Мур Дж. Принципы этики. М., 1984.
17. Соловьев В. С. Кант // Соловьев В. С. Соч.: в 2 т. М., 1988. Т. 2.
18. Kalinnikov L. A. What Sense is concealed in the Postulates of Practical Reason? // Proceedings: Sixth International Kant Congress. (The Pennsylvania State University, 1985) / ed. by G Funke, Th. M. Seebonm. Vol. II, 2. Lanham, 1989.
19. Kant I. Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Cambridge University Press, 2006
On the morals-centeredness of Kant’s transcendental anthropology and on the role of morals in the human nature
... обозрение. 2008. № 5 (93). С. 12—15.
16. Мур Дж. Принципы этики. М., 1984.
17. Соловьев В. С. Кант // Соловьев В. С. Соч.: в 2 т. М., 1988. Т. 2.
18. Kalinnikov L. A. What Sense is concealed in the Postulates of Practical Reason? // Proceedings: Sixth International Kant Congress. (The Pennsylvania State University, 1985) / ed. by G Funke, Th. M. Seebonm. Vol. II, 2. Lanham, 1989.
transcendental anthropology, moral law, teleological method, postulates of practical reason,...
On the moralcentrism of Kant's transcendental anthropology and the role of morals in human nature (continuation)
... истины и блага: парадокс детерминистской этики // Эпистемология и философия науки. 2010. Т. 26. № 4. С. 190—196.
transcendental anthropology, moral law, teleological method, postulates of practical reason, morals, thing-in-itself
Kalinnikov L. A.