Modern approaches to university physical education: the experience of incorporating a fitness programme in the curriculum
The article explores new approaches to physical education in university. One of the ways to ensure modernization of physical education is the incorporation of various fitness programmes in the elective part of the curriculum. The author describes the impact of fitness programmes on learning outcomes ...
Profession-oriented physical education for students of musical secondary vocational training institutions
This article considers the features of physical education at musical secondary vocational training institutions. The analysis of physical education of music students and its elements is carried out in order to identify new approaches to the development of educational process content and the elaboration ...
The role of physical education in the professional training of specialists of the service sector at vocational secondary education in-stitutions
This article focuses on the opportunities of physical education in the formation of professional competencies of future mid-level specialists of service sector. Through an analysis of the research and pedagogical literature and a pedagogical experiment, the author tested the effectiveness of the developed ...
On cross-cultural interaction in the field of physical education in the Kaliningrad region
This article considers prerequisites for the development of cross-cultural interaction in the fields of physical education and sport between the Baltic region states. The author describes the geopolitical characteristics of the Kaliningrad region and its opportunities in forging and developing international connections in the field of sport. The author justifies ...
The fundamentals of the concept of application of humanities techniques in the field of physical training
This article examines the preconditions for applying humanities methods in the field of physical education and describes the basic features identifying humanities methods as a research and education phenomenon, the principles of their development, and the conditions and requirements for their application in physical education.
Бордовский ...
On the humanization of university sports education
This article considers the content of concepts liberalisation of education, education content pertaining to humanities, humanisation of physical education, humanities, and cognition in humanities.
Вербицкая Л.
Гуманитарное образование в современной России // Высшее образование в России. 1996. №
1. С. 79—84....
Cooperation between a university and employers as a condi-tion for high-quality training of specialists in physical education and sports
... region’s geopolitical position makes it necessary to provide university graduates with competitive competences. Therefore, active cooperation between a university and employers makes it possible to modernise the process of training specialists in physical education and sports
1. Кудрявцева А. Г. Современные педагогические технологии как основа качественной подготовки квалифицированных специалистов ...
The multimedia assisted lecture technology in the university training of physical education specialists
This article introduces the multimedia assisted lecture technology for the students of Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and presents its theoretical framework and effectiveness analysis.
Богданов В.
. и др. Информационные технологии обучения в преподавании физической культуры ...
The evolution of the competency-based and activity-based approaches to teaching languages to non-linguistics students
In this article, I consider teaching professional foreign languages to future bachelors of physical education. I analyse the regulatory, academic, and research literature to summarise the theoretical findings of the study, which seeks to explore and compare requirements for bachelors of physical education and consider the competency-based and activity-based ...
Individual and psychological characteristics of future specialists in university physical education and sport
This article presents the results of a study into the individual and psychological characteristics of future specialists in physical education and sport, the analysis of which helps to develop the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing the training process efficiency.
1. Акушев Г. М. Формирование готовности будущих учителей ...
Methodological support for the “Human anatomy” discipline for undergraduate students in physical education
This article explores the ways of updating and restructuring the methodological framework of the “Human Anatomy” discipline as taught to undergraduate students in physical education. The author presents the structure of the methodological framework created to improve the quality of training process organisation and development of knowledge in students. An assessment of the efficiency of using the methodological framework ...
Development of the Olympic movement in the early 20th century in Germany
This study focuses on the development of physical education and sport in Germany in 1919-1939. The author analyses the contents of physical educa-tion and sport typical of Germany of the early 20th century and identifies spe-cific features of German athletes’ training. It is stressed that attitudes ...
The preparation of a prospective physical education specialist for the work with HIV positive people
M., Nixon S., Glazier R.
Effects of progressive resistive exercise in adults living with HIV/AIDS: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials //
. 2008 Jul; 20(6): 631—53.
Pelmenev V., Nikitin N.
HIV, prospective physical education specialist, readiness to work.