Kant’s and Fichte’s ethics as sources of Schopenhauer’s philosophy
... Fichte’s System of Ethnics contributed to Schopenhauer’s understanding of will as the primary essence of all things and the idea of its absolute and unconditional nature and its primacy over cognition. Sixthly, some of the key aspects of Schopenhauer’s pessimism are rooted in Fichte’s philosophy. Seventhly, in the first edition of his dissertation, Schopenhauer advocated Kant’s ethics and formulated the supremacy of the better consciousness over the empirical as noumenal freedom and truly moral ...
Wry humor as a philosophy
. ru/articles/22232/ (дата обращения: 12.04.2016).
9. Даль В. И. Толковый словарь живаго великорускаго языка : в 4 ч. М., 1863. Ч. 1.
Berestnev G., Tsvetkova A.
pessimism, wry humor, mindset, concepts, human, semiotics, creolized texts, verbal texts