Parliament and law-making: modern understanding of the role of parliamentary procedures and laws in transforming society
The author analyzes the place and role of parliament in today's transforming society and investigates the causes of the crisis of parliamentarism, the confrontation between parliament and government in some countries and in others - the widespread "legitimization" of government policy ...
On the development of the parliamentarianism institution in Poland
This article is devoted to the important issue of development of parliamentarianism in post-authoritarian countries through the case of Poland. Having passed several stages of constitutional changes and political crises caused by the situation of political infighting, the Polish political system has reached sustainability, which ensures its effective functioning.
1. Керимов А. Д. Понимание парламентаризма и перспективы его развития в России // Гражданин и право. 2002. № 7/8. С. 25—33.
Different forms of parliamentarism and the factors determining the variations
...,cabinet-parliamentary, parliamentary-presidential and parliamentary-committee. It is, thus, an internally diversified system. It is influenced by a number of factors, among others, the type of party system, the way of granting the non-confidence vote and dissolving the parliament, as well as the scope of so called delegated legislation.In contemporary parliamentary democracies aspirations to strengthen executives can be observed.
1. Antoszewski, А. 1999. Studies on Political Theories, Vol. 1.
2. Antoszewski, А.,...
On interpreting the legal category “form of government” (the case of Russia and Kazakhstan)
The article justifies the need to clarify the true content of such a fundamental legal category as the “form of government”, since, so far, neither scientifically nor at the practical level, there hasn’t been given any unambiguous interpretation. The authors point to one of the typical conceptual errors in elucidating the content of this category, admitted by some legal theorists: the essence of the “form of government of the presidential republic” concept is interpreted with descriptors of a political...
Administrative resource at the elections to the State Duma of the third convocation in the North-Western provinces of Russia
The article analyzes the administrative control over the elections to the State Duma of the third convocation of the Russian Empire in the Northwestern provinces. The local and central administration employed a wide variety of methods. The electoral legislation was radically changed (the provision on elections to the State Duma of June 3, 1907); the government removed unreliable candidates, supported loyalists, instructed officials of all levels, and organized campaigns in the press. In the Northwestern...