The thinking of nature and the nature of thinking — Cohen on Spinoza
... consideration of personal stories. So here it draws attention to the following topics: the nature of thinking and thinking of nature. Conducted by the author analysis allows to understand the main causes of a Cohen’s critical attitude to Spinoza. Spinoza's pantheism, according to Cohen, leads to various unacceptable conse-quences: identification of ethics as metaphysics, which is referred to as an ontology and rests on a false identity, the disappearance of the very possibility of ethics is no difference ...
Christian foundations of F. I. Tyutchev’s oeuvre
...., 1989. Т. 97 (книга первая).
3. Тютчев Ф. И. Полное собрание сочинений и писем : в 6 т. М., 2003. Т. 3.
4. Тютчев Ф. И. Сочинения : в 2 т. М., 1984. Т. 2.
Christianity, pantheism, poetry, philosophy of history, mystery of the human being, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, empire, civilisation, dechristianisation
Tarasov B.
Edgar Poe’s World Model
... Metaphysic of Gnosticism.
Page P.
Poe, Empedocles, and intuition in Eureka
URL: pstudies/PS1970/P1978201.htm.
Cherednikov V.
Universe, monism, metaphysics, deism, pantheism, polytheism, intuitivism.
«Cultivate Your Garden»: Natural Existence Utopia of Enlightenment Man in Park and Garden Landscapes (on the Example of “Life and Adventures” by Andrei Bolotov)
... садово-парковое искусство эпохи Просвещения //
Культура эпохи Просвещения. М., 1993.
Ye. Prikazchikova
landscape utopia, place utopia, aberration of memorialist’s point of
view, sentimental pantheism, rural garden idyll, antinomic character of Enlightenment culture.