Non-translation as palimpsest in hermetic poetry
Ezra Pound’s “Pisan Cantos” is a multi-layered palimpsest rewritten and written over previous editions several times, in which the non-translation of quotes, sayings and headlines becomes an aesthetically significant device. Younger branches of complex poetry after 1945, on the one hand, overcome ...
John Bunyan’s allegoric tradition in Clive Staples Lewis’s novel The Pilgrim’s Regress
... complex things: he explores the cultur¬al attitudes of a 20th-century person from the perspective of the Christ-centric axiological system of the Middle Ages. This article considers Lewis’s novel as a complicated intertext, which both serves as a palimpsest of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and enters into dialogue with it. The study identifies the pre-texts of Lewis’s intertextual novel. The interrelation between Lewis’s and Bunyan’s texts, which is shaped by differences between ...
The mythopoetics of Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel The buried giant
... Demon Lore: Oni from Ancient Times to the Present. Utah State University Press, 2013.
24. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / transl. by W. A. Neilson. Cambridge (Ontario), 1999.
Mikheikina, A. A.
mythopoetics, historicised myth, intertextuality, palimpsest
The semiotics of a ship and its modelling features in the novels of William Golding, Julian Barnes, and Gregory Norminton
... литература XIV—XVI вв. // История всемирной литературы : в 8 т. М., 1985—1993. Т. 3. С. 174—201.
Vladimirova N., Nagornaya Ye.
semiotics, contemporary English novel, principle of version, generative model, palimpsest