“Aspects of self-criticism”: Russian press on the activities of the commission for the revision of the Civil Service Statute in 1895
... dedicated to the activities of the Commission for the Revision of the Statute on Civil Service of 1895. By utilizing data from unpublished documents of the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA), the author aims to answer questions regarding public opinion towards civil ranks, the reform of the civil rank system, and how this issue was reflected in periodicals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The results of the content analysis complement previously conducted research and reveal additional ...
The alien and (or) one’s own: modern hidden calques (based on the collocation Kak po Mne [as for me])
... pre-existing in the recipient language. The mechanism of embedding a semantic calque into an already existing model of signification is illustrated using the example of the collocation kak po mne and its interaction with the original Russian marker of personal opinion po mne, which has a long history of use. A corpus study and contextual semantic and comparative analysis led the authors to conclude that the collocation kak po mne is a calque of the Anglo-Americanism 'as for me / as to me', competing with another ...
The features of using manipulative techniques to influence public opinion (based on the materials of the US presidential campaign of 2012)
... Times. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/us/politics/transcript-of-the-third-presidential-debate-in-boca-raton-fla.html?pagewanted=all (дата обращения: 14.06.2013).
Soskina S., Sur E.
language manipulation, election campaign, public opinion, consciousness, discourse.
The methods of manipulative influence on the addressee aimed at creating a positive image: the case of 2012 presidential election campaign
This article deals with the problem of public opinion manipulation through creating a positive image. Special emphasis is given to the description of the manipulative technique. The research is based on the texts of the 2012 Russian presidential election campaign.
1. Кара-Мурза С. Г. ...
Subjective and modal evaluation in the newspaper and media discourse
On the basis of an analytical article from the “Rossiyskaya gazeta” newspaper, the author considers the subjective-modal evaluations
that form the author’s opinion in the text, identifies the means of expression of such evaluations, and establishes their functionalsemantic
Будниченко Л.
Особенности публицистического дискурса.
Экспрессивная ...
The image of modern Russian innovations in the Danish mass media
....dk/NR/rdonlyres/53F1D9C3-0EDE-44F5-9104-0555A0813496/0/NYHEDhjemmesidee nergieffektivitet2docrettet.pdf (accessed 01 May 2011).
9. Dansk erhvervsliv fik et kram af den russiske bjørn, DI — Organisation for
erhvervslivet, available at: http://di.dk/Opinion/International%20handel/Pages/
Danskerhvervslivfiketkramafdenrussiskebjoern. aspx (accessed 01 February 2011).
10. Russisk besøg styrker båndene til Danmark, DI — Organisation for erhvervslivet, available at: http://di.dk/Marked/Markeder/Rusland/Pages/Russiskbesoeg ...