The notion of necessity in the German philosophy of the¬ Enlighten¬ment
Necessity is a key philosophical notion, which is used in different disciplines from logic to ontology. In the German philosophy of the Enlightenment, this concept was centralto the work of many thinkers. For them, necessity is related not only to logic ...
Lexical explicators of the modality of necessity in the Old and New Testament (the Synodal translation into Russian)
In this article, I explore one of the elements of situational modality, namely, the microfield of the modality of necessity. I consider the use of lexical modifiers of the modality of necessity in the Old and New Testament. The aims of this study are to identify similarities and differences in the use of lexemes explicating the microfield in the biblical texts and ...
The functioning of nuclear explicators of the modal meaning of necessity in the novel "Resurrection" by Leo Tolstoy and its translation in Polish
This article deals with the nuclear explicators of the necessity micro-field — a micro-field of the situational modality – in the original and the Polish translation of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel "Resurrection". The authors establish the functional-semantic hierarchy of corresponding modal modifiers ...
The modal microfield of necessity in official and business documents in the Russian and Polish languages
Official and business documents published in modern Russian and Polish periodicals serves as the material for analyzing the expression plane of necessity microfield. The authors identify its central and peripheral components, as well as common properties and intralinguistic features in the set of expressive means of the given microfield.
1. Ваулина С. С. Языковая модальность ...
The features of the expression of the modal meaning of necessity in Russian and Lithuanian newspapers
This article presents a functional-semantic analysis of one of situational modality meanings — the meaning of necessity — as implemented in Russian and Lithuanian newspaper texts. The authors identify the functions of Russian modal explicators and their Lithuanian equivalents.
Бессарабова Г.
. Соотношение системно-языкового ...
The concept of extreme necessity in the crime qualified by Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
In this article, the author examines the actual issue of applying provisions of an extreme necessity to actions containing signs of a crime under Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on such a circumstance that excludes the criminality of the act. The author analyses a variety of views on the problem under consideration....
“The Transcendental Collapse”: Analytic Reading of Kant
... [Philosophy in a Polycentric World. On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of A. A. Zinoviev: Selected Proceedings of the VIII Russian Philosophical Congress]. Moscow: Sam Poligrafist Ltd., pp. 323-337.
Meillassoux, Q., 2008. After Finitude. An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency. London & New York: Continuum.
Miroshnichenko, M. D., 2017. Transcendentalism and the Arche-Fossil: How a Phenomenology of the ‘Non-Given’ can be Possible? Philosophy Journal, 10(4), pp. 104-120.
Text-forming function of modal explicators of necessity in Leo Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina”
... author investigates the usage pattern of the predicative necessary for the main characters in various plot situations. The interrelation of the artistic image and the representation of individual reality perception by explicators of the modal meaning of necessity is revealed.
Nikitina A.A.
modality, modality of necessity, modality of the literary text, Leo Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina”, linguistic world view
The features of implementation of the modal meaning of obligation in S. Yesenin’s axiological world view
On the basis of S. Yesenin’s poetry, the authors consider the text function of linguistic units expressing the modal meaning of necessity. The article offers their functional and semantic hierarchy and describes their role in analysing the poet’s axiological world view.
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