Kant’s fundamental idea of state and law in Pushkin’s Boris Godunov
... world of Pushkin — manifested itself in a work of art. This article sets out to prove the influence of Kant’s philosophical and legal ideas on A. S. Pushkin during the poet’s work on Boris Godunov. Kant’s thought that the people is the only monarch and that legislative power is vested in it in a rule-of-law state is the central idea of the tragedy. When working on Boris Godunov, Pushkin not only studied the Critique of Judgement but he also read Kant’s works on epistemological theory. ...
Struggle of the Serbs in Austria against the union with the Catholic Church in the 18th century
The author examines the position of the Serbian people and the Orthodox Church under Austrian rule since the end of the Holy League war with Turkey from the end of the 17th century to the era of Josephism. After having settled in Austria, the Serbs were exposed to the assimilation policy of the authorities, the main instrument of which was the union with the Roman Catholic Church imposed on the Serbs. The sources for the study were normative and administrative acts of authorities at various levels...
Isaac René Guy Le Chapelier and the Flight to Varennes: sum-mer — autumn, 1791
This article analyses the influence of the Varennes crisis on the balance of political forces in the National Constituent Assembly and Le Chapelier’s and other constitutionalists’ opposition to the radicals in the Assembly and in the streets in order to strengthen the position of the king and constitutional mon¬archy.
1. Блуменау С. Ф. «Ненасильственный» вариант развития французской революции // Вестник Брянского государственного университета. Сер. История. Литературоведение. Право. Языкознание...
The liberal concept of freedom in the conservative teachings of K. N. Leontyev and L. A. Tikhomirov
... philosophical realism, focuses on analysing the theory and practice of the liberal democratic mechanism. The author pays special attention to the personalist/impersonalist elements in Leontyev’s and Tikhomirov’s argumentation. The correlation between monarchical and revolutionary-conservative principles in the thinkers’ interpretation of liberal “freedom” is revealed
1. Леонтьев К. Н. Два графа: Алексей Вронский и Лев Толстой // Леонтьев К....
The pro-monarch attitudes of the Russian thought in the country and abroad in the 20th century
This article considers the trends of Russian conservative thought in the Soviet Russia and abroad. The subject of research is the orthodox monarchism of leading Russian thinkers and poets in the USSR and abroad in the 1920s-1950s.
Булгаков С.
Церковь и демократия // Библиотека думающего о России.
The manifestation of oppositional ideas of the second half of the 18th century in the Panin — Fonvizin law project
... заключающая в себе высокую китайскую философию // Там же.
Фонвизин М.
Сочинения и письма. Иркутск, 1982.
Lapteva Yu. V.
opposition, ideal of state structure, law, monarch.