Contextual conditionality of gender-marked lexemes in German male-written memoires of the 19th—20th centuries
The author investigates the use of gender marked lexemes in retrospective texts of the 19th and 20th century written by male authors. Gender identity in the male written texts is reflected in gender marked lexemes (GML), representing subjective autonominations realized at the lexical level in subjectified and objectified ways. A specific feature typical of the actualization ...
Metaphoric nominations of MAN and WOMAN in the English substandard
... Джонсон М. Метафоры, которыми мы живем. Теория метафоры. М., 1990.
7. Флиер А. Я. Культурология для культурологов. М., 2000.
Kalugina E. N.
cognitive metaphor, substandard, male, female, nomination, frame
The problem of sociological reductionism in gender studies
... Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. N. Y., 1990.
10. Colapinto J. As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl. N. Y., 2001.
Polyansky D. V.
gender, sex, queer, social constructionism, essentialism, sociological reductionism, feminism, male, female
The motif of childhood in Bruno Schulz’s novel Cinnamon Shops
... Энциклопедия мифологии : [сайт]. URL:
(дата обращения: 12.12.2014).
Bruno Schulz, literary text, genre, literary memoirs, concept of ‘childhood’, myth, ‘brilliant era’, male and female elements
Reguretskaya E.