Linguistic creativity of the avant-garde: language functions in literary and advertising discourses
The article departs from two non-referential functions of language — the poetic (expressive) and conative (appellative) functions — described by many linguists starting from Roman Jakobson and Karl Bühler. Their combined effect is shown using examples of linguistic techniques from the two types of discourse — the Russian literary avant-garde and the avant-garde advertising-propagandа — outreach....
Signs and senses as an epistemological problem
The semiotic problem of the triad “sign – meaning – sense” is discussed as a methodological problem caused by philosophy of external realism and the representational theory of cognition based on it. Reification of linguistic signs, along with the erroneous view of the nature and function of language as a communication tool rather than the mode of existence of humans as living (cognitive) systems, impedes scientific explanation of both language and linguistic ...
Kantian Philosophy and ‘Linguistic Kantianism’
The expression “linguistic Kantianism” is widely used to refer to ideas about thought and cognition being determined by language — a conception characteristic of 20th century analytic philosophy. In this article, I conduct a comparative analysis of Kant’s philosophy ...
Language and the nature of humanness. Invitation to a discussion
The article invites the reader to contemplate what impedes further development of language science which is currently in a state of stagnation. This crisis is caused by the inadequate methodology used in linguistic research. It defines the paradigm of so-called ‘normal’ science, which suppresses innovation. The dualistic philosophy of external realism continues to be the epistemological foundation of ‘normal’ linguistics, and neither mainstream ...
Literary communication: from semiotic models to a theory of linguistic aesthetics
The article explores literary communication as one of the types of linguistic communication. The main objective is to develop a linguo-aesthetic model of literary communication based on the models of the sign, semiosis and communication adopted in linguistics, semiotics and poetics. The author employs semiotic methods ...
On the problem of cultural reference of proverbs (the Russian proverbs with images of clothing)
..., and worldview of a nation. Images of garments in proverbs are a particular form of expressing the key ideas of a culture. Moreover, such images serve as condensers of the established etiquette, ethical, social, and other judgements. A cultural and linguistic analysis reveals cultural and linguistic limitations on the variability of clothing items in proverbs. The author describes cultural constants captured in the names of clothing items used in proverbs. Such constants are defined as essential ...
The linguistic paradigm in Kant studies
This article discusses the potential of the linguistic persona theory in the linguistic studies of Kant’s texts. Linguistic Kant studies is a scientific discipline focusing on the language of Kant's works. Such a study can be either independent or integrated int a logicalphilosophical analysis....
Linguocultural aspect of localization of in-game terms and realia (based on the computer role-playing game Disco Elysium)
This research is devoted to the study of efficacious translation strategies in the process of game localization. It discusses the means of linguistic localization of videogames in terms of cultural linguistic approach. The attention is paid to the analysis of the methods and grounds for choosing certain translation strategies so as to adapt the in-game realia fand terms for the target gaming ...
Functioning of the frame environment in various conceptual knowledge domains in the English language
This article presents the frame environment, exploring its conceptual structure by analysing how linguistic units function within immediate linguistic contexts across various conceptual knowledge domains. It is proposed to define and distinguish between the theoretical concepts of 'frame', 'cognitive context' and 'conceptual domain'. The English ...
Conflictogenicity of digital communication forms in the aspect of linguistic security (on the comments on blogs of the Yandex-Zen platform)
The object of this study is a blog as a form of digital communication that often violate the linguistic security. The subject of the study was the comments of Yandex-Zen blogs about cooking and beauty as a tool for the implementation of verbal abuse. The purpose of the study is to highlight the linguo-conflictogenic components of discourse that ...
Daniel Everett and Cultural Linguistics
... Daniel L. Everett as exemplified in his major works Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes and Language: The Cultural Tool. The aim of this study is to analyse the connection of these works to various schools of thought and to examine the possible link with linguistic cultural studies. Everett’s definitions of language and culture are contrasted with those of various schools in linguistics. It should be noted that Everett does not appear to use the term linguistic worldview. Yet, due to the rich empirical ...
The Concept of Soul: A Comparative Study of the Russian and the Armenian Pictures of the World
The author analyses the concept ‘soul’ as a means of representing reality in the brain through comparing two linguistic pictures of the world. It is known that a concept contains important cultural information, harbouring its concrete meaning in a linguistic unit. The study — a combination of cultural linguistic and comparative analysis of the concept — ...
Language conflict in the literary discourse: Jia Pingwa’s novel “Qin Qiang”
The present study addresses the interdisciplinary issue of conflict and its linguistic specificity as a component of the emotive dimension in artistic discourse, with a focus on the novel “Qin Qiang” by Jia Pingwa (2005). The aim is to analyse the aspects of speech and language conflict, as well as its destructive forms, ...
“They call the main entrance a porch”: social meaning in semantics and metapragmatics
... participants of a communicative act. Social meaning is actualized when it can be interpreted in social interaction as being used to express certain connotations. This analytical review presents a contemporary conceptual apparatus and toolkit that enables linguists to describe the social perspective in constructing meaning and interpreting meaning formation in social contexts. The empirical material for the analysis reflects the contemporary sociocultural and discourse practices using the example of ...
Where and how meanings emerge
... russkoi khudozhestvennoi literatury. Poeziya [Language processes of modern Russian literature. Poetry]. Moscow, pp. 186—239 (in Russ.).
Hjelmslev, L., 1960. Prolegomena to the Theory of Language. In: V. A. Zvegintsev, ed. Novoe v lingvistike [New in linguistics], 1. Moscow, рр. 264—389 (in Russ.).
Hjelmslev, L., 1993. Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlæggelse. In: Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Copenhagen. Vol. XXV. Copenhagen.
Hofstadter, D. R., 2007. I Am a Strange Loop. New York: Basic Books,...
Really: syntactics without semiotics?
I discuss the relation of linguistics and semiotics on the basis of the Old Russian discourse particle TI1 ‘indeed’, ‘verily’, ‘truly’ discovered by Andrej A. Zaliznjak in 1993. Linguistics and semiotics are different research programmes: the first one deals with specific ...
The ethno-cultural component of a woman image in the novel by M. A. Sholokhov “And Quiet Flows the Don”
... to the study of interdisciplinary categories, among which the image category should be attributed. In contemporary research on psycholinguistics, semiotics, discursology, semantics, stylistics, linguoculturology, etc., various aspects of the image of linguistic and artistic are considered. At the same time, the image of a woman appears not only as a significant image of the Russian conceptual sphere, but also as an essential component of M. A. Sholokhov’s artistic picture of the world, reflected ...
Functional analysis of the linguistic reflection in Evgeny Vodolazkin’s “Justification of the Island”
One of the characteristic features of Yevgeny Vodolazkin’s idiostyle is the appeal to linguistic reflection as a way of explicating the conceptual and emotive-evaluative meanings of the work, de-automating its perception by the recipient, ensuring and updating the dialogue between the text and the reader. The purpose of this study is a ...
Compounds in Fyodor Ivanov’s texts (based on «A letter…» and «A petition…» of 1666)
... compounds, on the one hand, and the general meaning of two documents from the manuscript legacy of an ideologist of the mid-17th-century Russian Orthodox schism and his worldview, on the other. The study aims to consider through the prism of diachronic linguistic personology the texts authored by the dyak Fedor Ivanov. The content of the article is a product of its methodology, namely, continuous sampling, using which 193 with several roots were obtained; context analysis; and interpretation. From the ...
Formation of Ferdinand de Saussure's authentic terminological system
This article is devoted to the terminological analysis of F. de Saussure's 1872—1911 authentic texts. A component analysis makes it possible to identify the characteristics of formation of general linguistic terms. It is established that F. de Saussure's terminology (118 preterms) is based on existing lexical units of different systems. Tectological mechanisms transformed Saussure’s terminology into a linguistic terminological system consisting ...
Cognitive and speech characteristics of an author of a mnemonic text
The focus of the article is on various aspects of the creative identity of an author of a mnemonic text represented by the concept of cognitive and communicative subject. The features of the author’s cognitive, communicative, discursive, and linguistic identities are described and the ways of their representation are shown in the case of the memoirs of the Lithuanian writer B. Sruoga Dievų miškas. The term ‘mnemonic discourse’ is introduced as a linguistic phenomenon connecting texts ...
The model of development of organisational and managerial competence in bachelor students in linguistics
This article considers the problem of developing managerial competence in the process of professional training of bachelors in linguistics. On the basis of the system, competence-based, learner-centered, and communicative approaches, the author builds a model of managerial competence formation in bachelors in linguistics. The author’s model comprises methodological, structural,...
The principles of the concept analysis of the "male" and "female" in Russian linguistic mentality
This article offers the theoretical grounds and methods of semantic analysis of “male” and “female” categories developed on the basis of linguistic data. The author draws examples from the Russian language to demonstrate gender semantic models in Russian linguistic mentality, e. g. the general understandding of the “male” and the “female”, the content properties of these principles,...
Linguistic personality as a subject of political discourse
This article deals with various concepts of linguistic personality. The article also describes relevant parameters of political discourse. Linguistic personality of a politician considers as a dynamic syncretic phenomenon.
1. Бабайцева В. В. Избранное, 1955—2005 : сб....
Generative linguistics by N. Chomsky in the world language study
The article focuses upon the impact of Noam Chomsky’s ideas of generative linguistics on Grammar, Phonology, Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics as well as the role of his theory in the modern paradigm of language knowledge.
Кубрякова Е.
Эволюция лингвистических ...
From Energy of Word to Energy of Thing: Development of Linguistic and Philosophical Ideas of Alexander Potebnya in Works of Sergey Bulgakov
The article focuses on the scientific heritage of Alexander Potebnyа, the central figure in the history of Russian linguistic and philosophical tradition, and Sergey Bulgakov's doctrine of word and language, presented in the work «Philosophy of Name». The comparative analysis reveals the following: a) the key elements of S. Bulgakov’s doctrine historically genetically ...
Linguocognitive Bases for the Integration of the Poetic Text into Cinematic Discourse
... “Stalker” by Andrei Tarkovsky and “Ugly Swans” by Konstantin Lopushansky, are selected as primary sources for analysis due to their continuity and innovative qualities. The research employs a comprehensive methodology, including parameterization of linguistic creativity, corpus annotation, and conceptual analysis of verbal and non-verbal elements that contribute to the films’ poetics. Data processing techniques are then applied to interpret the findings. The study uncovers both similarities and ...