Key features of organisational leadership in governmental executive bodies
This article analyses the problems of organizational leadership in executive bodies. The author considers leadership-based management on the basis of the reforming leadership concept and establishes the dependence of factors defining the category of leadership on the status characteristics of the agent and object of management.
Кричевский Р.
. Социальная психология малой группы. М., 2001. С. 271—274.
Берн Э
. Лидер и группа / пер. с англ. Екатеринбург, 2003. С. 118....
A situational approach to building social managerial expert systems
The article presents the author’s view on modelling an expert system through the implementation of one of social paradigms. Such categories as ‘governance’, ‘leadership’, and ‘leadership management’ are identified as indicators of management interactions. Each of the categories is operationalized and provided with a detailed description, which includes autonomous social resources supporting effective governance in the situation of organizational interactions.
1. Рогатин В. П. Психология контекстного...