On the structure of anthroponyms and their functioning in the Russian and English languages
The article deals with the functioning of anthroponyms and the condi-tions for the realization of their cognitive potential in the Russian and English cultural contexts. In this survey-based research an attempt is made to demon-strate how the flexibility of anthroponymical models ...
Functioning of coordinating conjunctions at the interphrasal level
This paper describes the specific character of the discourse functioning of coordinating conjunctions in terms of both their innate features and interphrasal status and context.
Жельвис В.
Существуют ли в языке сочинительные и подчинительные союзы?...
Verbal aggression in modern poetry: conventional and unconventional functioning of discourse markers
The article examines the specifics of speech aggression in poetic communication. Special attention is paid to the unconventional functioning of discourse markers of aggression. The aim of the study is to analyse aggressive verbal behaviour in poetic communication and identify distinctive characteristics of expressing aggression in everyday discourse. The research methodology ...