Functioning of the frame environment in various conceptual knowledge domains in the English language
This article presents the frame environment, exploring its conceptual structure by analysing how linguistic units function within immediate linguistic contexts across various conceptual knowledge domains. It is proposed to define and distinguish between the theoretical concepts ...
Orel forest parks as the basis of the ecological framework and their recreational assessmen
The level of urbanization is steadily increasing and has already surpassed 82 % in Central Russia. Urban ecosystems face environmental imbalances that can be mitigated through the use of green plants. Establishing an ecological framework plays a key role in addressing this issue. Natural ecosystems serve as the cores of the ecological framework. In urbanized areas, these cores may include urban forests, forest parks, and natural ecosystems forming green belts around cities. Using the city of Oryol...
Frame approach to analysing the semantisation of the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in the language of Russian poetry
This article describes ways to semanticise the biblical quasi-anthroponym ‘prodigal son’ in a poetic text, using the frame approach as a means of cognitive modelling and description. This approach helps to identify and characterise meaning construction mechanisms in a precedent onomastic sign, which conveys the conceptual meanings of the biblical text. The study proposes ...
The frame approach to teaching vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language classes
This article considers the possibilities of using the frame approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language. The author examines the content and structure of the learning frame of “Russian holidays.” The means to organise vocabulary and grammar elements are pre¬sented within a concrete frame model
Methodological support for the “Human anatomy” discipline for undergraduate students in physical education
This article explores the ways of updating and restructuring the methodological framework of the “Human Anatomy” discipline as taught to undergraduate students in physical education. The author presents the structure of the methodological framework created to improve the quality of training process organisation and development of knowledge in students. An assessment of the efficiency of using the methodological framework in the training process is presented.
1. Гнитецкая Т. Н. Современные образовательные...
Artistic implementation of the concept «unity in diversity» in the poem by P.B. Shelley «Love’s philosophy»
... the works of linguists involved in the analysis of concepts (in particular, philosophical and emotional ones) in the linguo-cultural and anthropocentric paradigms. The analysis relies on the method of continuous sampling, the method of conceptual frame analysis, the method of semantic-cognitive analysis, the descriptive method, as well as the contextual and interpretive methods.
Having studied the verbal content of frame structures representing the concept of «unity in diversity» within ...
Frames in discourse analysis
This article focuses on frame analysis, which provides a communicative framework for the meaning formation and interpretation in a discourse. The correlation between the usage of linguistic structures and cognitive environ-ment of the sender and recipient is analysed. The structure ...
A theoretical and methodological framework for the cognitive approach to word formation studies
The present-day stage of scientific knowledge is characterized by a shift of research aims in different scientific spheres to the cognitive aspects of linguistic phenomena. The cognitive approach to research on word-formation processes is supported by many linguists; however, still being insufficiently developed, it requires a systematization of new methodological tools. The author presents her own vision of the methodological and theoretical framework of cognitive word formation studies.
1. Абросимова...
Russian Philosophy Abroad: Development of Conceptual Framework
Russian philosophy abroad is associated with the names of those representatives of Russian culture who left the country or were forced to leave after the well-know revolutionary events, for instance, the outstanding Russian thinkers: Nikolai Berdyaev, Ivan Ilyin, Nikolay Lossky, Semyon Frank, and others. The article considers the conceptual framework of Russian philosophies. It allows stating, that the categorical structures of Russian philosophy are obviously original and have great theoretical...
The development of the legal framework of Russian economy: the formulation of the problem
This article explains the need for the construction of an integral legal framework for Russian economy and considers its principal problems.
Ойкен В.
Основы национальной экономики. М., 1996.
Зорькин В.
Тезисы о правовой реформе в России // Законодательство и экономика. 2004. №
Норт Д.
Институты, институциональные изменения и функционирование экономики. М., 1998.
Baranovskaya Ye. A.
elements of legal framework of economy, modernisation of Russian economy
The Emerald Network of areas of special conservation interest
The article focuses on the scientific and practical conditions for the development of the Emerald network of areas of special conservation interest in Russia. The authors examine the role of biological reserves in conserving rare and endemic animal and plant species, including those of European significance. The article stresses the need to create a geoecological framework of a territory. For the first time, a cartographic representation of such framework is developed for the conditions of the Chechen...