Periodic glass formation system
The article proposes the periodic system of glass formation which is based on the model of glass formation where the possibility of forming glasses based on simple substances and similar alloys is associated with the features of the electronic configurations of atoms, such as stable electronic configurations ...
Update of age data of the palvesk formation ("green wall") of Sambian peninsula (the Kaliningrad region)
The article describes the history of the study and the composition of the palvesk formation established in the deposits of the Paleogene of the Sambian Peninsula in the Kaliningrad Region. The authors give the most complete micro- and macro-faunistic characteristics, as well as the palynological complex according to previous studies....
A theoretical and methodological framework for the cognitive approach to word formation studies
... processes is supported by many linguists; however, still being insufficiently developed, it requires a systematization of new methodological tools. The author presents her own vision of the methodological and theoretical framework of cognitive word formation studies.
1. Абросимова Л. С., Милевская Т. В. К вопросу о культурно-когнитивной природе словообразования // Когнитивные исследования языка ...
Studying the features of soil cover and bioreclamation of coal dumps
Industrial dumps serve as natural habitats for numerous biocenoses due to the specific features and directionality of early soil formation processes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of soil cover and bioremediation on coal dumps. It is demonstrated that the lithological heterogeneity of disturbed territories in Kuzbass is influenced by mining technologies,...
Russian facets in J. Joyce’s neologisms and their interlanguage translation
... Weninger, F. Rathjen), Russian (A. Rene, A. Volokhonsky) and Spanish (M. Zabaloy) languages are explored. Various translation strategies are considered. However brilliant the exemplified decisions are, they are predictably subjective. The required transformation of the source test is often radical and added comments are bulky, leading to the creation of the modified version of Finnegans Wake rather than a translation in the true sense.
Naugolnykh E. A.
interlingual nonce words, multiple semantic ...
Age-related dynamics of competence formation in social work
The article analyses the formation of social competences in the field of education and social work in Kaliningrad. The author identifies performance indicators according to age and the dynamics of competence formation in representatives of three age groups. The three age groups ...
Innovative Technology of Physical Culture Formation for Students with Limited Motor Activity
The article describes the innovative technology of physical culture formation for students with limited motor activity, which underlies the experiment conducted at Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University. The distinctive feature of the innovative technology of physical culture formation for students with limited ...
Secondary vocational training – an important stage in the formation of core competences of a future specialist by means of physical culture
This article focuses on the role of secondary vocational training in the formation of core competencies of future specialists and describes the physical and psychological development of a teenager. Using the methods of research and methodological literature analysis and pedagogical observation, the author analyses the possibility ...
Philosophical Discourse and the Conceptualisation of Word Formation
... stillness. In philosophical texts, hyphenated complexes facilitate the tendency towards a perfect dialectic form in language — a form that embraces discreteness and continuity, division and wholeness. The hyphen is a means that contributes to the formation of concepts as undivided phonosemantic complexes reflecting the prototypes of things. In this sense, the hyphen serves as a tool for language and discourse transfer. In philosophical texts, the key function of the hyphen in newly created formations ...
The history of the development and formation of notaries in Russia: topical issues
The historical stages of the formation and development of notaries in Russia are analyzed, the features of notarial activities in different periods are determined. The post-Soviet period of development of notaries, associated with the adoption of the Fundamentals of the legislation ...
Neologisms with the meaning of “fake” goods in modern Russian
The article describes neological units that have been functioning in the Russian language since the 1990s to characterize artisanal products or various types of counterfeit goods. The cognitive mechanisms underlying their formation are identified, based on the metonymic or metaphorical use of the image of fire, as represented in the root morpheme pal-. It is noted that the word-formation paradigm of the verb palit’ has expanded with the addition of derivatives with figurative ...
The use of the photo corpus in the study of word-formation processes (on the derivatives with the prefix super-)
... of Anglo-American linguistic and cultural globalization has led to an increase in the productivity of this model and to semantic specification of the prefix, which serves as a marker of an exclusively positive evaluation.
Shapovalenko E.V.
word formation, nominal prefixation, prefixes of Greek-Latin origin, prefix super-
German youth slang as a reflection of modern reality
... reflected in the vocabulary of young people. The objects of my study are units of today’s German youth slang, particularly, those identified as the most popular by surveys of the German publishing company Langenscheidt. I consider the main periods in the formation of German youth slang in the 20th/21st centuries and review the events that affected its formation. I provide evidence that there is a link between events taking place in the lives of young people and in their country, on the one hand, and neologisms ...
The formation of critical thinking in foreing language learning
The article describes a new coursebook designed for students studying Biotechnology. The new coursebook facilitates the formation and development of critical thinking skills in the process of foreign language learning. The formation of critical thinking is one of the main objectives of pedagogy since it ensures successful functioning of the individual in the modern information ...
Formation of the future teachers’ readiness to form social interaction abilities in preschool children
The article describes an authentic model of the formation of future teachers’ readiness to facilitate the development of social interaction skills in preschool children. The proposed model meets the requirements of the current standards of professional education. The author describes the essence ...
The genesis of the subject in syntax as a manifestation of verbal and logical thinking
... which in-phrasal and out-phrasal morphologies are identified. The process of cognitive evolution of thinking is studied diachronically: from mythological thinking to verbal-logical thinking that is entirely manifested in the nominal structure and in the formation of the category of subject in syntax (subject formation). The influence of outer factors on the thinking type, which is implemented in certain grammar structure, is also considered. The conclusion is: cognitive-informational characteristics ...
Patterns and principles of formation a cognitive self-appraisal in primary school students
This article considers the patterns and principles of formation of cognitive self-appraisal in primary school students identified on the basis of analysisng the laws of dialectics and scientific literature.
Гершунский Б.
Философия образования для XXI ...
Behaviour formation: practical application of behaviourism ideas
This article focuses on the issues of practical application of social behaviourism ideas and presents the results of a training aimed at the
formation of effective behavioural patterns. The data obtained in the course of study require reconsideration of behaviourists’ ideas and an analysis of their application in educational process.
Axelrod S.
Behavior modification for the classroom ...
The methodology of cluster formation and its testing in the Kaliningrad hotel market
This article considers the method of cluster formation through applying the principles of hierarchical cluster analysis of multidimensional statistical data of factors affecting the competitive advantages of hotel firms and its testing in the Kaliningrad hotel services market. The authors identify ...
The sustainability of natural monopoly in regional markets: methodological prerequisites for an analysis
Article considers theoretical aspects of sustainability of natural monopolies, which are the most important industries that create the general environment of functioning of regional social and economic system, thereby making essential impact on formation the region commodity and financial markets, and also on realization of a regional social and economic policy. The analysis of the reasons of formation of the natural monopolies, having paramount value for the decision of a question on their ...
Methodological Approaches to Regional Studies: Formation of Strategic Objectives
This article considers methodological approaches to regional studies, in particular, functional, system, organisational, and strategic ones. The author determines the properties and concepts of a region as an agent of the development and formation of strategic objectives.
Изард У.
Методы регионального анализа: введение в науку о регионах. М., 1966.
Шеховцева Л.
Управляемое развитие региона: ...