The resurrection of poetics from the spirit of rhetoric: the practices of formalism
This article focuses on the influence of rhetorical tradition on the development of categorical framework of Russian Formalism. The author proves that formalism borrows the idea of the poetical from the “deviation” from rhetorical theories.
1. Аверинцев С. С. Античная риторика и судьбы античного рационализма ...
Heine’s dolnik in the academic discussion and the Russian translation practice of the 1900s—1930s
... theoretical interest in ‘dolnik’ was fueled not only by the prevailing poetic processes but also by new translation experiments, primarily the equirhythmic translations of Heine by Alexander Blok, published in his collection “Night Hours” (1911). The formal similarities between Russian and German ‘dolnik’ prompted scholars to develop comparative metrics and theories of tonic verse, while the rhythmic differences led to the refinement of concepts related to rhythm and meter in non-syllabic verse,...
On the methodological meaning of notion of isomorphic enclosure of formalisms
This article suggests that, in many interesting cases when considering the given reference domain, one has to deal with a system of formalisms rather than a single formalism. It is argued that these systems are integrated through isomorphic embeddings of their elements into each other. The article considers some alternative notions of formalism and the definitions of isomorphic embeddings
Author-coined terminology in Russian verse theory: the formalist legacy
...., 1923.
Rifma, ee istoriya i teoriya
[Rhyme, its history and theory]. St. Petersburg (in Russ.).
Zhirmunsky, V. M., 1925.
Vvedenie v metriku. Teoriya stikha
[Introduction to metrics. Theory of verse]. Leningrad (in Russ.).
poetry, Russian formalism, verse studies, terminology
Pilshchikov I.A.