On integrating the Russian studies into foreign language teaching process in a non-language university
The article discusses some of the issues of foreign language teaching in non-language high schools. The authors propose a method of integration of Russian Studies material in foreign language communicative learning process, as one of the promising areas of modern education in Russia. Informational and interactive ...
The regional blogosphere integration technology in the content of foreign language teaching education at a linguistic university
The article covers possible ways of integrating the regional component of the curriculum into the content of foreign language teaching at a linguistic university. ICTs are one of the most effective means ensuring the regional component inclusion into the content of foreign language teaching. A regional blogosphere is suggested as a form of such integration.
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The role and potential of computer-aided teaching systems in the foreign language training of the students of EMERCOM education institutions
This article is devoted to the individual approach to teaching foreign languages in ЕМЕRCOM education institutions. The research shows that the conflict between the intensification of teaching process and the level of individualization can be resolved by means of Computer-aided Teaching Systems that perform the computerization ...
On some challenges in teaching foreign language to visually impaired children
(дата обращения: 18.03.2018).
18. Slavin R. E. Educational Psychology. Theory and Practice. N. Y., 2018.
Nasyrova A. A.
visually impaired students, foreign language teaching, challenges in teaching foreign language speaking
On combining translator training with foreign language teaching
... epistemological roots are found in social constructivism asserting learners’ active participation in knowledge accrual. The paper gives a brief account of the status quo of TT and revisits the controversial issue of appropriateness of combining TT with foreign language teaching (FLT). The author maintains that FLT may, and quite often has to, be part of TT course, the share of linguistic component in TT depending on the curriculum design and teaching circumstances. Centred solely around the linguistic aspect of TT,...
On the essence and mechanisms of non-verbal communications in a language class at a school for the visually impaired
... Team / еd. by G. Francis ; Saskatchewan Learning Gail Clark, Saskatchewan Learning, 2003. URL:
(дата обращения: 15.06.2019).
Nasyrova, A. A.
visually impaired students, foreign language teaching, non-verbal communication code