Individual and typological features of female convicts
The article is dedicated to research on individual and typological features of female convicts. Mentally-deviated and drug-addicted female convicts participated in the study as respondents. The results obtained allow speaking about the similarity of individual and typological characteristics of mentallydeviated and drug-addicted ...
The female images in Hoffmann's The Serapion Brethren novella cycle
The female images in E. T. A. Hoffmann's cycle "The Serapion brethren" are compared to those traditional for German romanticism. The author emphasises the general romantic features of the female image and traces its evolution from the classical ...
Female Characters in German Rock Poetry
The female character is one of the central constants forming the poetic world of a German rock author. This article examines the variants of this character.
Андреев Ю.
. «Минойский матриархат»: Социальные ...
Disturbance of the vaginal microbiome and the risk of HIV infection in women: analysis of scientific studies
... reduce the incidence of HIV infection. The review provides an analysis of the mechanisms and factors by which the vaginal microbiome can contribute to HIV infection. Most viral infections begin to develop on the mucous membranes. At the same time, the female reproductive tract has a unique susceptibility to viral infection, since tissue-specific immunity must cause rapid antimicrobial responses to pathogens, while maintaining tolerance to spermatozoids. In addition, the vagina is lined with stratified ...
Metaphoric nominations of MAN and WOMAN in the English substandard
.... Метафоры, которыми мы живем. Теория метафоры. М., 1990.
7. Флиер А. Я. Культурология для культурологов. М., 2000.
Kalugina E. N.
cognitive metaphor, substandard, male, female, nomination, frame
Crafts of peasant women in the north-western provinces of Russia in the late 19th/early 20th century
... Истомина Э. Г. Сельские кустарные промыслы Европейской России на рубеже XIX—XX столетий. М., 2004.
Nikulin V.
Novgorod province, Pskov province, St. Petersburg province, local handicraft, female handicraft, craft industry, manufactory
The problem of sociological reductionism in gender studies
... and the Subversion of Identity. N. Y., 1990.
10. Colapinto J. As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl. N. Y., 2001.
Polyansky D. V.
gender, sex, queer, social constructionism, essentialism, sociological reductionism, feminism, male, female
The motif of childhood in Bruno Schulz’s novel Cinnamon Shops
... Энциклопедия мифологии : [сайт]. URL:
(дата обращения: 12.12.2014).
Bruno Schulz, literary text, genre, literary memoirs, concept of ‘childhood’, myth, ‘brilliant era’, male and female elements
Reguretskaya E.