Creative and social imagination in fashion
This article analyses fashion from two points of view — as a closed system of “the world of the fashionable” with its own specific hierarchy, where creative imagination becomes a criterion for success and as a field of social imagination that influences social behavior ...
Between nation and gender: History of beards in Western Europe and Russia, 1830—1880
... А. М. Внутренняя колонизация. Имперский опыт России. М., 2013.
28. Baldwin G. et al. All the Mighty World: The Photographs of Roger Fenton, 1852—1860. New Haven, 2004.
29. English B. A Cultural History of Fashion in the 20th and 21st Centuries: From Catwalk to Sidewalk. L., 2013.
30. Gold McBride S. “Power is on the side of the beard”. Masculinity and Facial Hair in Nineteenth-Century America. URL:
(дата ...
The alien and (or) one’s own: modern hidden calques (based on the collocation Kak po Mne [as for me])
... yazyk
[Russian language]. Available at:
350/ [Accessed 2 January 2024] (in Russ.).
hidden borrowings, Anglo-Americanisms, kak po mne, discursive words, markers of personal opinion, stylistic status, speech fashion, translation
Zhukova A. G., Severskaya O. I.