The execution of Henry Monte and the Prussian motif of “double death”
This article focuses on the execution of one of the leaders of the Prussian revolt, Herkus Monte, according to the “double death” rite dedicated to two gods — Patollo and Potrimps. This rite is typical for the Baltic perception of the other world and is a special case of the common for Indo-European peoples idea of death.
1. Генрих Латвийский. ...
Legislative Flaws in the Provision of Article 281.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “ Sabotage Activities Encouragement”
... проблемы обеспечения национальной безопасности : матер. Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. Донецк, 2021. С. 103—110.
Chuklina E. Yu.
promotion of sabotage activities, criminalization, double prevention, sabotage prevention
The motive of duality in the novel “Cursed Place” by M.I. Voskresensky
... natural inclinations. Thus, the duality in the moralistic novel The Cursed Place reveals the true nature of the characters. It is the moral assessment of the characters that the narrator and the author focus on.
Ivanova N.P.
character, duality, double, moral description, novel, romanticism, topic