The Role of the Sublime in Kant’s Religion: Moral Motivation and Empirical Possibility
... show that Kant’s depiction of the christic figure in Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason is not contingent but explains how this figure functions in two essential ways: as a representation of a maximum of morality that can ground our moral disposition and in so doing acts as a standard for morality. More precisely, the following argument is made: 1) the sublime nature of the image of Christ — as an image of universal respect for the law — awakens the moral feeling of subjects in the ...
This article offers an analysis of the concept of mystical experience and its relation to science and philosophy in connection with E. A. Torchinov's research and in the context of Kant's doctrine of human "metaphysical disposition", the nature and purpose of philosophy.
1. Гегель Г. В. Ф. Энциклопедия философских наук. Т. 1 : Наука логики. М., 1974.
2. Джемс В. Многообразие религиозного ...
Zero philosophy
This article offers an aanalysis of the concept of mystical experience and its relation to science and philosophy in connection with E. A. Torchinov's research and in the context of Kant's doctrine of human "metaphysical disposition", the nature and purpose of philosophy.
1. Gegel' G. V. F. Jenciklopedija filosofskih nauk. T. 1 : Nauka logiki. M., 1974.
2. Dzhems V. Mnogoobrazie religioznogo opyta. SPb., 1992.
3. Kant I. Grezy duhovidca, pojasnennye grezami metafiziki ...
Kant’s lectures on natural law: Justice and conscientiousness
... with the realm of law, which Kant tried to avoid stressing the difference between Billigkeit and Gerechtigkeit. If Gerechtigkeit relates to external deeds subject to legal regulation and external enforcement, Billigkeit relates to tacit intentions and dispositions that cannot be controlled from the outside. This supports the thesis about the difference between ethics and law and the need for a more accurate identification of the place of natural law in the system of practical philosophy.
1. Davydova,...