Axiological objectification of death denial in humorous discourse
The article considers death denial as the crucial constituent of the concept ‘denial of grief’. The research aims at studying peculiarities of actualization of death denial in humorous discourse. The data comprise recordings and scripts of 50 stand-up specials and 20 comedies....
The modelling of postmortem heat transfer and estimating the time of death
... temperature dynamics. A model of heat transfer in a newborn cadaver presented as a finite cylinder is examined in detail. An important factor in constructing a mathematical model of postmortem heat transfer in a newborn aimed at identifying the time of death is body form approximation. It is shown that heat transfer in a cadaver is not sufficient for identifying the time of death, which should be based on a comprehensive assessment of postmortem changes.
1. Вавилов А. Ю. Судебно-медицинская ...
Between faith and disbelief: the theme of life and death in Yu. N. Ivanov’s novel Dances in the Crematory: Ten Episodes from the Life of Königsberg
In exploring the themes of life and death in Yu. N. Ivanov’s novel Dances in the Crematory, I carry out a structural-semantic analysis of the fragmentary chronotope and the ideational- thematic and plot-compositional levels of the novel. I demonstrate that the principle of fragmentarity ...
“The Great Rationalist”: Alexey Vvedensky on Kant in the Context of Russian Kantiana
... 1904, the last January issue of the newspaper “Moskoskiye vedomosti” carried an article by Alexey I. Vvedensky, philosopher and theologian, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, entitled “The Great Rationalist. On the Centenary of Kant’s Death”. Although the publication could hardly be called unique for its time, as many Russian philosophers and journalists commented on this date, the article merits attention because of the way it represents Kant, and the fact that it sheds light on ...
Argumentum ad morti in the violence discourse: the semantics and pragmatics of ‘radical’ argumentation
The appeal to death is a type of argument that either explicitly or implicitly invokes human finitude. This rhetorical device contributes to the credibility of requests, wishes, etc., or blocks communication. The illocutionary power of the appeal to death is determined ...
. Genre specific of the poem by P.A. Viazemsky “Commemoration of the battle of Borodino”
... Kutuzov), colorful description of the battle, many tropes and figures (rhetorical exclamations, metaphors), image of lyrical hero-observer, the effect of presence, epic narration. Meanwhile, the poem is not so much dedicated to the great battle, but to the death of a poet’s friend and fallen warriors. Theme of death is central in the poem by Viazymsky, and many elements of work are close to the genre of elegy on death. It is important to note that the poem “Commemoration of the battle of Borodino” ...
The execution of Henry Monte and the Prussian motif of “double death”
This article focuses on the execution of one of the leaders of the Prussian revolt, Herkus Monte, according to the “double death” rite dedicated to two gods — Patollo and Potrimps. This rite is typical for the Baltic perception of the other world and is a special case of the common for Indo-European peoples idea of death.
1. Генрих Латвийский. Хроника ...
«Only when asleep you feel alive»: life and death in the Russian linguocultural consciousness (based on Russian proverbs and sayings)
The article describes the set of maxims, revealing the attitude to life and death, typical for the Russian linguistic-cultural consciousness, on the basis of Russian proverbs and sayings. The author explains the specificity of these maxims, and provides an additional interpretation of several examples. In conclusion, the author ...
The spatial model of conceptual metaphor in A. Ilichevky’s collection of short stories An Asinine Jaw
This article considers the structure of the conceptual metaphor of death in A.V. Ilichevsky’s collection of short stories An Asinine Jaw. The existential spatial model of the mentioned metaphor and the specific character of its cognitive-semantic organization are revealed. The author identifies the specific features ...
How did Kant’s death mask end up in Tartu? A surprising finding at the archive of Art Museum of the University of Tartu
This article tells the story of how Kant's death mask ended up in the Museum of Classical Antiquities of the University of Tartu.
1. Stolovich L. N. O sud'be tartuskoj kantiany // Kantovskij sbornik. 2008. 1 (27). S. 94—108.
2. Clasen K. H. Kant-Bildnisse. Königsberg, 1924.
3. Immanuel Kant: ...
The motif of light and the criticism of the autonomous subject in the works of I. Murdoch
... Murdoch’s works. The motif of autonomous reason as a «barrier»against the light of Being, the motif of mechanization of thought and feeling in the world of metaphysics completing itself, together with Platonic motifs and the esthetic diagnosis of the «death of light» in the 20th century (H. Zedlmayr), form the poetology of light in Murdoch’s works in the context of the abandonment of Beingthemed in the West European art and culture of the 20th century.
1. Зедльмайр Х. Смерть света ...
The corporal features of incorporeal: the image of poet in M. Tsvetaeva’s poetry
... features of the spatiopoetics of body.
1. Цветаева М. Неизданное. Сводные тетради. М., 1997.
2. Цветаева М. Собр. соч. : в 7 т. М., 1995.
Krysanova A.
M. Tsvetayeva, body, space, flesh, spirit, soul, death, life