Formal terms of reproach in Russian discourse
... terms of reproach. Methodologically, it abandons the synthetic outlook of pragmalinguistics, which dominates Russian linguistics, and treats reproach as a strictly linguistic object that has discursive manifestations. This approach uses methods of corpus linguistics, which ‘visualise’ abstract models through arrays of real-life language data.
Chernyshev, V. I., ed., 1950—1965. BAS = Slovar' sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo yazyka : v 17 t. [BAS = Dictionary of the modern Russian literary ...
Full and short personal names in Russian: a quantitative study
... A. D., 2014. Common mistake or new norm: how to tell one from the other? Notes of the Fatherland [Notes of the Fatherland], 2(59), pp. 274—285 (in Russ.).
addressing, personal name, full personal name, short personal name, statistical methods, corpus linguistics
Krongauz M. A., Piperski A. Ch., Tillabaeva, A. A.
Verbs of delimitative manner of action based on the data of the national corpus of the Russian language: The system and usage
... Вып. 347. С. 141—146.
10. Национальный корпус русского языка : [сайт]. URL: http://www. (дата обращения: 14.05.2013).
Matzhanova K.
Aktionsart, delimitatives, prefix ‘po’, corpus linguistics
Linguistics in the 21st Century: Problems, Prospects, and Growth Points
... 2010. Language, Usage and Cognition. Cambridge.
6. Hopper, P. J., 2012. Emergent grammar. In: J. P. Gee and M. Handford, eds. The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis. London.
linguistic diversity, quantitative methods, asystem text linguistics, corpus linguistics, usage-based linguistics.
Plungyan V. A.