On the application of aspect bades approach method to semantic-funktional description of complex subordinate closes
This article deals with the semantic-functional description of German Complex subordinate clauses. This approach envisages the analysis of the
clauses in two directions. The first one is the systematic-language approach, the second one is the speech approach. The article gives seven aspects of the clause organization and functioning that ...
On the question of the syllabic system of versification: the poetic practice of Theophan Prokopovich
Zapadov, V. A., 1974. Russkii stikh XVIII — nachala XIX veka (ritmika) [Russian verse of the 18th and early 19th centuries (rhythm)]. Leningrad (in Russ.).
syllabics, syllabo-tonic, caesura, accentual structure of verse, meter, rhythm, rhyme, clause
Patroeva N.V.
“Čut’ živye, v noč’ osennjuju / My s ochoty vozvraščaemsja…” Secondary predicate in Nekrasov’s poetic texts
... issledovaniya [Philological Research]. Moscow (in Russ.).
Zolyan, S. Т., 2009. Jakobson and Vinogradov about the poetical function of language. Voprosy yazykoznaniya [Topics in the study of language], 1, pp. 3—8 (in Russ.).
predicative attribute, small clause, secondary predicate, style and grammar of poetry, Nikolaj Nekrasov
Naiditch L. E., Pavlova A. V.
Legal guarantees for international investment according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
... formy privlechenija i zawity [Foreign direct investment in Russia: legal forms to attract and protect], Moscow.
Nilov Konstantin
investment activity, legal guarantees, foreign investment, national regime, safeguard clause