Citizens’ appeals within the system of documentation management of the executive authorities in 1960s — 1970s
The article studies complexes of documents that were compiled in the Executive Authorities’ Archives and that are connected with citizens’ appeals to different authorities. The author reveals that it was the local executive bodies that chiefly processed citizens’ appeals, most of which were returned to the Executive Committee for them to be finally solved. Such applications ...
The concepts of citizenship and estate in Russian history — continuity and / or intermittence
... revolutions. The author holds that there are certain parallels between the ideology of citizenship, the development of the concept “people / nation” and the interpretation of the concept “citizenship”. Contemporary theoretical debates about citizenship are fully applicable to the history of the interpretation of citizenship in Russia. The United States or Great Britain have a century-long tradition of citizenship. Unlike them, Russia has gone through several stages of radical changes ...
On legislative innovations governing the citizenship institution in the Russian Federation
This article examines changes in the federal laws governing the institution of citizenship in the Russian Federation. Proposals on improving the existing legislation are made based on the analysis conducted.
1. Европейская конвенция о гражданстве от 6 ноября 1997 г. ETS № 166 [Электронный ресурс]. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
2. О гражданстве Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс] : федер. закон от 31 мая 2002 г. № 62-ФЗ : ред. от 20.04.2014 г. Доступ из справ.-правовой...
The antinomy of political reason. Some deliberations on Kant’s “Answer-ing the Question: What is Enlightenment?”
... suggested that this ideal be seen in the evolutionarydevelopment of society based on the transformation of public consciousness. Kant’s view that the key discourse for social development consists in a comprehensive critique of social reality by a citizen capable of self-determination is considered against the background of Rousseau’s ideas, who defended the right of people to revolution. The reconstruction of Kant’s position is followed by a discussion of possible theoretical problems relating ...
The “European identity” of today: a category of political practice or discourse?
This paper considers the cultural, political, and historical problems of the development of European identity in the discourse of Europe. The author addresses the question as to whether European identity is a category of political discourse or a real instrument of European integration and comes to a conclusion that the concepts of European identity are stuck in a methodological trap. And the EU institutional design does not inspire confidence among the residents of united Europe. The question as...
Justifiable defence: theory and judicial practice
This article discusses legal aspects of self-defence based on the Russian legislation and judicial practice data. The author proposes ways to optimise the legislation governing the citizens' right to self-defence against socially dangerous assaults.
1. Уголовный кодекс Российской Федерации от 13.06.1996 г. № 63-ФЗ (ред. от 06.07.2016 г.). [Электронный ресурс]. Доступ ...