Toil, Passion, Serendipity, Money, and Marketing: a Fresh Look at Agents of Translation
Drawing initially on the “Introduction” to Agents of Translation (Milton & Bandia 2009) and my work on Monteiro Lobato (Milton 2010, 2019), this article presents a number of the elements of the agency of translation such as patronage, habitus, and gatekeeping. Agents are also involved in an Actor ...
The Problem of the Possibility of an Artificial Moral Agent in the Context of Kant’s Practical Philosophy
The question of whether an artificial moral agent (AMA) is possible implies discussion of a whole range of problems raised by Kant within the framework of practical philosophy that have not exhausted their heuristic potential to this day. First, I show the significance of the correlation between ...
The forecasting of culture of trust in the agents of educational process at a university
The cases of two Kaliningrad universities are used in a forecast study of the interpersonal aspect of culture of students’ and teachers’ trust within higher professional education. The author gives a definition of the culture of trust between the agents of educational process and outlines the structure of this notion. The article presents the students’ and teachers’ forecasts of the culture of trust between the agents of educational process in future.
1. Педагогический энциклопедический ...
Agents approach to the state economic policies in the condition of fundamental uncertainty
The article analyses approaches to understanding the term "economic policies". The author proceeds from the fact that the state acts as a specific economic agent and, being the economic agent, on the one hand has the right to establish formal institutions of the national economics, and on the other hand, it itself is one of the elements of this sector of the global socio-economics system. The article proposes ...
The impact of monetary policy regimes on economic development: results of an in-house economic experiment
The article analyzes the approaches to understanding the term “economic policies”. The author proceeds from the fact that the state acts as a specific economic agent and, as such, on the one, is eligible to develop formal institutions of the national economy, and on the other hand, it itself is one of the elements of this sector of the global socio-economics system. The author defines the economic policies regime ...
Theoretical problems of developing a healthcare strategy for students within a regional education system
... given in the article in relation to health protection of those studying within an education system, namely, the concept and strategy of health protection, strategic choice of education system, the purpose of students’ health protection, the object and agent of health protection strategy. Preventive adaptability is interpreted as a characteristic feature of strategic planning of student’s health protection.
1. Гапоненко А. Л., Панкрухин А. П. Стратегическое управление....
The component analysis and content of the methodological materials for teaching foreign languages from the perspective of changing educational environment
A changing educational environment (CEE) is a new, little studied type of local environment. This article identifies and considers the components of CEE, which serves as the basis for a component analysis of the content of a textbook on Russian as a foreign language for teaching German-speaking students of basic level. The author emphasises that CEE has a positive influence on the discipline’s methodology.
1. Atze Ch., Hoffmann N., Wapenhans H. et al. Диалог 1. Russisch für Anfänger :...
Time in N. O. Lossky’s ideal realism
... form of events initiated by substantial actors in the process of world creation. The author analyses the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of time. The features of synchronous and asynchronous aspects of cognising existential processes by an agent are identified in the framework of epistemology.
1. Гайденко П. П. Время. Длительность. Вечность. Проблема времени в европейской философии и науке. М., 2006.
2. Лосский ...
Immanuel Kant and Pavel Novgorodtsev and their views on the Agent of History
...., 1906.
Новгородцев П.
Нравственная проблема в философии Канта. М., 1903.
Новгородцев П.
Об общественном идеале. М., 1991.
Vingradov A.
agent of history, humanity, personality, aim of history, social ideal, moral standards.
Key features of organisational leadership in governmental executive bodies
... organizational leadership in executive bodies. The author considers leadership-based management on the basis of the reforming leadership concept and establishes the dependence of factors defining the category of leadership on the status characteristics of the agent and object of management.
Кричевский Р.
. Социальная психология малой группы. М., 2001. С. 271—274.
Берн Э
. Лидер и группа / пер. с англ....
Methodological Approaches to Regional Studies: Formation of Strategic Objectives
This article considers methodological approaches to regional studies, in particular, functional, system, organisational, and strategic ones. The author determines the properties and concepts of a region as an agent of the development and formation of strategic objectives.
Изард У.
Методы регионального анализа: введение в науку о регионах. М., 1966.
Шеховцева Л.
Управляемое ...
Problems of Territorial Administration and Planning (Geographical Aspect)
This article is dedicated to territorial administration. The author defines its object and agent, outlines the hierarchical structure, and determines the key problem sets in the system of territorial administration.
Анимица Е.
Г., Тертышный А.
Основы местного самоуправления: ...
The models and focuses of pscyhoeducation in medical practice
... Innovations in clinical practice: A source book / eds. P.
A. Keller and L.
G. Ritt. Sarasota, 1984.
. 77—81.
Walsh J.
Psychoeducation in Mental Health. Chicago, 2010.
Serykh A., Ivanova A.
psychoeducation, psychoeducational approach, agents of psychoeducation.
Individual work at higher education institutions: Theoretical representation
Чернилевский Д.
Дидактические технологии в высшей школе: учеб. пособ. для студ. вузов. М.: Юнити—ДАНА, 2002.
Mamporiya S.
higher education, student as an agent, individual work, independence, teacher-student interaction.
The non-realistic meaning of life as a determinant of personality development crisis
Франкл В.
Человек в поисках смысла. М., 1990.
Чудновский В.
Становление личности и проблема смысла жизни: избранные труды. М., 2006.
Karpinski K. V.
agent of life, meaning of life, non-realistic meaning of life, meaning of life crisis.
Behavioral geoeconomics: a problem statement
... socio-economic evolution, I emphasise the need to develop a special approach – a behavioural geoeconomics. It perceives states as single-order actors in the external and internal segments of the economic space. I propose to treat states as economic agents of a special type, which have resources, fulfil a target function, and interact with organisations and households. I conclude that a behavioural geoeconomics will dramatically change research discourse on the role of the state in the economy....