‘Many years to the invincible’: The axiological meanings of the spatial and temporal images in Boris Pasternak’s poem ‘Neoglyadnost’/’ Spanlessness’
This article is an attempt to expose and analyse the chronotopical structure of Boris Pasternak's poem ‘Neogliadnost’/’Spanlessness’, written in 1944. The axiological meaning of spatiotemporal images in the poet's Weltanschauung is evaluated within a broader context of Russian language and culture. It is argued that the poem’s ...
B. Pasternak’s Black Spring: the image of time (the original and English translation)
This article focuses on the 'time' concept in Boris Pasternak's “Black spring! Pick up your pen and weeping...” and its English translation by Lydia Pasternak-Slater.
1. Даль В. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка : в 4 т. М., 1956.
2. Достоевский ...
The image of time in B.L. Pasternak’s poem Unique days
This article focuses upon the axiological prototype of the ‘time’ category in Boris Pasternak's poem Unique Days and its English translation by Lydia Pasternak-Slater.
Аврелий Августин
. Исповедь / пер. с лат. М.
Е. Сергеенко. СПб., 1999.
Бобылев Б.
Концептуальный ...
The axiology of images of space and time in B.L. Pasternak’s poem «When it Clears Up»
... Слова и речи : в 5 т. Т. 1 : 1803—1821. М., 2003.
26. Флоровский Г., протоиерей. Пути русского богословия. Репринтное издание. Париж, 1937 ; Вильнюс, 1991.
27. Pasternak B. 1890—1960. Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle. Paris, 1979.
28. Friends & Partners: Linking US — Russia Across the Internet : [сайт]. URL: http://www.friends-partners.org/friends/literature/19century/pasternak/whenit. htm (дата обращения: ...
Functions of somatisms in the poetry of B. Pasternak
The article analyzes the somatic vocabulary in the poetry of B. Pasternak. It is concluded that the poet actively uses the words of this semantic class that is associated with some peculiarities of his world perception. The quantitative analysis of somatic elements shows that more than 100 somatisms are used in the ...
The symbols of the temporary and timeless in B. Pasternak’s poem Sparrow Hills
This article deals with the 'time' concept in Boris Pasternak's poem “Sparrow Hills” and its English translation by Eugene M. Kayden. The focus is placed on implicitness as a basic feature of the semantic structure of a poetic text. The poem's main image – Pentecost (“Whitsun”) – proves to ...
The thought of death and overcoming of death in B. Pasternak’s cycle ‘Some Songs in Letters So She Won’t Be Bored’
The intertextual connections with the Bible found in the cycle ‘Songs in Letters So She Won’t Be Bored’ (My Sister Life, 1917) help identify the features of artistic expression of the Christian ideas of immortality in the early works of B. Pasternak. An analysis of the author’s symbolism shows that the philosophising persona of Pasternak’s book ponders on death looking for the ways to overcome it. The way to overcome “boredom”— death is the “narrow way” of the Gospel, whereas ...
The mythical thinking of B. Pasternak in the cycle Romanovka
This article considers the features of the manifestation of B. Pasternak’s mythologism in his early cycle “Romanovka” (included in the book My Sister, Life). The author emphasises the Christian nature of the poet’s interpretation of the war and revolution period of 1917. Special attention is paid to the means ...
Fruit and Mirror: on Intersection of Images in Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke and Boris Pasternak
The article considers the interrelated images of the 'fruit' and the 'mirror' in poems by Rainer Maria Rilke and Boris Pasternak in the context of
their artistic worldviews. The author compares the function of both images in the oeuvre of the poets.
Баевский В.
Музыкальный подтекст стихотворного текста: Б....
Biblical motifs in B. Pasternak’s cycle Isn’t it Time for Birds to Sing as a structure forming principle
2. Гладков А. К. Встречи с Пастернаком. Париж, 1973.
3. Жолковский А. К. О заглавном тропе книги «Сестра моя — жизнь» // Poetry and revolution: Boris Pasternak’s «My sister life». Stanford, 1999. С. 26—65.
4. Пастернак Б. Л. Собр. соч. : в 5 т. М., 1989. Т. 1.
5. Пастернак Е. Б. Борис Пастернак: Материалы для биографии....