Assessment of the efficiency of Russian response to the implementation of US missile defence deployment concept in Europe
... http://news. kremlin. ru/ref_notes/461 (accessed 28 June 2011).
4. Gabuev, A. 2011, Vash sektor vozle Russia [Your sector near Russia], Kommersant, 16 July, p. 1—2.
5. Zajavlenie Prezidenta v svjazi s situaciej, kotoraja slozhilas' vokrug sistemy PRO stran NATO v Evrope [Statement by the President in connection with the situation that has developed around NATO missile defence system in Europe], Oficial'nyj
sajt Prezidenta Rossii [Official site of President of Russia], available at:http://kremlin. ru/news/13637 ...
The evolution of the military-strategic importance of the Kaliningrad region in the context of relations between Russia and NATO
... latter determines the ratio of the military and civilian components of regional development, as well as the military-strategic significance of the region for Russia, the number and composition of the Russian military forces in the region. In doing so, NATO’s policies and activities, as well as the nature of the relationship between NATO and Russia, play a crucial role. The purpose of the study is to identify how relations with Russia and NATO and the expansion of this military bloc have influenced ...
Russia's geostrategic position in the Baltic area as a threat of naval blockade in the current circumstances
This article utilises a systematic approach for a comprehensive examination of the Baltic Sea region as a geopolitical space and an analysis of geopolitical events (event-analysis) aimed to assess the capabilities of the US and NATO to impose a naval blockade on Russia in the Baltic Sea. This study is made relevant by the growing confrontation between the collective West and Russia, and the provocative anti-Russian rhetoric adopted by official representatives of NATO states....
NATO militarisation of the Baltic region and risks security of Russia
The article examines the dynamics of the development of relations between the countries of the Baltic region, the influence of NATO and the United States on them in the conditions of the emerging polycentric world order. The main risks and threats to Russian regional security at the present time are identified, and measures to localize and neutralize them are proposed. The development ...