The Notion of Free Will in Sergey Hessen’s Conception of Culture
Sergey Hessen builds his philosophy of culture on Heinrich Rickert’s theory of values. Like Rickert, he believes that the individual plays a key role in the formation of culture. The individual exercises freedom only in creative activity and the degree to which he fulfils his creative potential depends not only on the cultural context in which it happens, but also on the regulation of the opportunities for self-actualisation in any given society. Accordingly, Hessen defines society as the sphere...
Vivos Voco. Post-war Correspondence between Sergey Hessen and Ivan Lapshin: Year 1946
The letters of S. I. Hessen and I. I. Lapshin, two Russian Neo-Kantian philosophers, were written in the early post-war years. These letters bear witness to the later period in the life and work of their authors, a period of hardship, tragic losses and hopes. Both philosophers were deeply embedded in the intellectual landscape of Russian emigration. They were also known and valued by their peers in the countries that gave them refuge, Poland and Czechoslovakia, where they not only published their...
Legal Consciousness at the Early Stage of Personality Development from the Perspective of Russian Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Pedagogy
In this study, I investigate the philosophico-pedagogical concepts developed by German and Russian Neo-Kantians, namely P. Natorp, S. I. Hessen, M. M. Rubinstein. In order to identify the peculiarities of the approaches of the Neo-Kantians to legal consciousness in children, I show that the widely accepted view that Hessen borrowed Natorp’s hierarchical triad of moral development — anomie, heteronomy, and autonomy — lacks a solid ground. Moreover, Natorp generally does not use the concept of anomie...
The philosophical and legal content of Sergey Hessen’s concept of personality
This article aims to consider the concept of personality proposed by the prominent exponent of Russian neo-Kantianism Sergey Hessen and its philosophical and legal content. The frame of reference used to achieve this aim is determined by the personality-culture-the general will-the state coordinates. The author compares Hessen’s ideas with Bogdan Kistyakovsky’s legal concept. Hessen distinguished between several layers of meaning in the notion of culture — civilizedness, level of education, and civic...
Russian Political Kant after Liberalism: Sergey Hessen on 1924 Kant Jubilee
Using the Kant jubilee in 1924 as a pretext, Sergey Hessen, a Russian émigré neoKantian, draws no direct political conclusions but sets forth a view of the great philosopher’s legacy from the position of a “legal socialist”, selecting from his heritage those parts of German socialist doctrines that to his mind experienced a departure from a recent flowering of Kantian ideas in NeoKantianism and the collapse of traditional liberalism in the wake of the First World War. The fact that the text was...
The problem of self-identification in H. Hesse’s short novel “Klein Wagner” and M. Frisch’s novel “Stiller”
This article compares the poetics of two works by Hesse and Frisch brought together by a similar topic and complex of motives up to identical plot elements. It is shown that the problem of self-identification is solved differently by two writers: Hesse’s solution lies in Klein’s rejection of the ...
H. Hesse. Kurgast: the genre nature and narrative strategy
This article analyzes the genre paradigm of Hesse's Kurgast in the framework of the writer’s avant-garde technique of narration, including the autobiographical narrator, who is differentiated in the text into the observing agent (narrating I) and the observed object (narrated I).
1. Гессе ...
The form and meaning of H. Hesse’s novel A child’s soul
... энциклопедия терминов и понятий. М., 2003. С. 15—17.
9. Седельник В. Комментарии // Гессе Г. Собр. соч. : в 8 т. М. ; Харьков, 1994. Т. 2. С. 468—478.
Malaschenko V., Koptsev I.
Hesse, autobiography, binary oppositions, childhood, fear