The transcendental theory of experience and modern philoso¬phy of science
... theory of science based on the original interpretation and modern development of Kant’s transcendentalism (theory of experience). The author shows that modern (postpositivistic and analytical) philosophy of science
follows the spirit of Kant’s “Copernican revolution” as “the new method of thought” [CPR, B XVIII].
1. Гемпель К. Г. Логика объяснения. М., 1998.
2. Делёз Ж. Критическая философия Канта: учение о способностях… ...
Immanuel Kant on the features of morality and its role in the system of morals
18. Kant I. Groundwork for the Metaphysics of morals. Broadview Press, 2005.
19. Kant I. The Metaphysics of Morals. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
20. Schiller F. The Aesthetical Essays. Project Gutenberg Ebook.
normative relationships, ethics, Copernican revolution, system of customs, moral, law, features and formulae of moral relationships
Kalinnikov Leonard A.
Kant über die Eigenart der Moral und ihre Rolle im System der Sitten
... Диалоги. М., 1966. Кн. 2.
14. Шиллер Фр. Соч.: в 7 т. М., 1955. Т. 1.
15. Шиллер Фр. О грации и достоинстве // Фр. Шиллер. Соч.: в 7 т. М., 1955. Т. 6.
normative relationships, ethics, Copernican revolution, system of customs, moral, law, features and formulae of moral relationships.
Kalinnikov L. A.
Kant’s transcendentalism as a transcendental paradigm of philo¬so¬phiz¬ing
... Variations on Kantian Themes. L. ; N. Y., 1968.
19. Strawson P. The Bounds of Sense. The Bounds of Sense: An Essay on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. L. ; N. Y., 1966.
Kant’s transcendental philosophy (transcendentalism), transcendental method, Copernican revolution, transcendental shift, transcendental perspective, transcendental paradigm,
transcendental constructivism (pragmatism), transcendental metaphysics, "two aspects" interpretation.
Katrechko S.