The title of Alexander Pushkin’s novel The captain’s daughter as the textual dominant
... Язык и бессознательное. М., 1996.
13. Ожегов С. И. Словарь русского языка. М., 1984.
14. Даль В. И. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка. М., 1994.
Lukyanenko, I. N.
text linguistics, text dominant, key sign, national-cultural connotations
Syntactical means conveying the conceptual meaning of the poem Boring and sad by M. Yu. Lermontov: Article 1
современного русского языка / под ред. С.
В. Вяткиной. СПб., 2009.
русский литературный язык / под ред. П.
А. Леканта. М., 1988.
Lukyanenko I. N.
lyric poetry, poem, linguistic poetics, syntax, mononuclear sentence
Historical realia in teaching Russian as a foreign language
... lingvostranovedcheskii slovar' [Russia. The great linguistic and regional studies dictionary]. Moscow.
historical realia; linguistic and cultural studies; national cultural connotation; non-equivalent, background, and connotative lexis; onomastics
Lukyanenko I. N.
The frame approach to teaching vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language classes
... подход (начальный этап обучения) : автореф. дис. … канд. пед. наук. М., 2012
technique, frame, language structure, vocabulary, grammar, cultural lin¬guistics, Russian holidays, linguistic county studies
Lukyanenko I.