Kantian Journal

2012 Selected articles

The concept of body and the problem of demarcation in new European metaphysics: from Descartes to Kant


The formation of science and its separation from metaphysics are among the key characteristics of the early modern period. This separation faces a particular problem with conceptualization of body, which, while being a physical body, is closely bound  up with spirit. Different ways of explaining the interaction between mind and body form a complex tradition, which has significantly influenced Kant’s pre-Critical writings. Reducing that crucial distinction between two substances to the empirical sphere and the interpretation of soul and body as homogeneous phenomena are the main peculiarities of Kant’s position.

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Kantian motives in logic and philosophy of science. The idea of unity of a priory and empirical elements of cognition


Kant insisted on the inherent unity of a priori and empirical elements of cognition. To what extent further progress of philosophy and exact sciences confirmed (or modified) original Kant ideas? I'm inclined to judge that apriorism in its modest version does not contradict a modest type of empiricism. Real practice of logical and mathematical reasoning provides pry conjunctions of a priori and empirical elements of cognitive processes. We can find the harmonic combinations of mentioned standpoints and thus to confirm the validity of Kant’s idea related to inherent unity of a priori and empirical elements within contemporary philosophy of science. Apriorism along with empiricism contains powerful heuristic potential.

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