The Baltic Region

2009 Issue №1

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Geographic context of applying for grants from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and the use grant money in Lithuania in the framework of the “European Economic area (EEA)” and the “Norway” programmes



The article presents a geographic analysis of applying for grants and allocation of funds in the framework of the “European Economic Area” and “Norway” programmes in the territory of Lithuania in 2004-2009. Priority sectors of cooperation are identified.


1. Central Agency of Project Management, 2008. URL: www. cpva. lt

2. EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism website. URL: www. eeagrants. org

3. Ministry of Finances of Lithuania, 2008. URL: www. finmin. lt

4. Semi`nar material on EEA and Norway Grants in Lithuania. In Klaipėda, 17th July, 2006.