Балтийский регион

2012 №4(14)

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О международном сотрудничестве Северо-Запада России в инновационной сфере на Балтике

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Рассматриваются аспекты сотрудничества субъектов Северо-Западного федерального округа России и стран Балтийского региона (в частности, Финляндии, Эстонии, Норвегии) в сфере развития инноваций на государственном, региональном уровнях и на уровне сотрудничества отдельных предприятий. Приводятся примеры успешных проектов с инновационной составляющей, которые реализуются в рамках программ приграничного и трансграничного сотрудничества. Наиболее значимые проекты связаны с развитием информационно-коммуникационных технологий в здравоохранении; созданием сети, объединяющей инновационные центры региона Балтийского моря; и межгосударственной сети бизнес-инкубаторов в регионе Балтийского моря. Автор также делает выводы о перспективных направлениях сотрудничества Северо-Запада России, Финляндии, Эстонии и Норвегии в инновационной сфере, среди которых: телекоммуникационные, информационные, космические, биологические, природоохранные и нанотехнологии, программное обеспечение, медицина, образование, культура,  энергоэффективность и экологическое строительство, развитие творческих индустрий; и уделяет внимание таким крупным проектам на государственном уровне, как «Санкт-Петербургский коридор — Двухмодельная открытая инновационная платформа» и «Партнерство в коммерциализации российских инноваций».

This article focuses on cooperation between the constituent entities of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation and the Baltic countries (Finland, Estonia, Norway) in the field of innovations at national and regional levels, as well as at the level of inter-enterprise cooperation. The author reviews successful innovation projects implemented within cross-border and transnational cooperation programs. The most significant projects focus on the development of information and communications technologies in healthcare, the development of networks uniting innovation centres in the Baltic Sea region, and the transnational network of business incubators in the Baltic Sea region. 
The author identifies promising areas of cooperation between North-West Russia, Finland, Norway, and Estonia in the field of innovations, including telecommunications, information, space, biological, environmental and nanotechnologies,
software, medicine, education, culture, energy efficiency and ecological construction, as well as the development of creative industries. The article pays attention to large-scale national projects, such as “St. Petersburg Corridor — Two Model Open Innovation Platform” and “Partnership in commercialization of Russian innovations”.

Список литературы

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19. Short information on the project partners and their role in the IBI Net // IBI Net Intercountry Business Incubator Network. 2010. URL: http://www.ibi-net.eu/project-partners (дата обращения: 20.09.2012).
20. ICTforHealth. Information Communication Technology. URL: http://www.ictforhealth.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=45&Itemid=27 (дата обращения: 20.09.2012).
21. Complex development of regional cooperation in the field of open ICT innovations // KARELIA ENPI CBC. URL: http://www.kareliaenpi.eu/fi/teemat/cross-border-solutions/hankkeet/154-complex-development-of-regio... (дата обращения: 17.09.2012).
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7. Project newsletter “EstRuCluster Development. Cluster development and B2B internationalization in Estonian-Russian transborder regions”, 2009, no. 2, available at: http://rus.kohtla-jarve.ee/uploads/documents/valissuhted/projektid/2/Infoletters/Rus2.pdf (accessed 12 September 2012).
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11. BaSIC Baltic Sea Innovation Network Centres. About project, available at: http://www.basic-net.eu/basic-brief (accessed 21 September 2012).
12. Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG III A Priorities. Project Compendium (2004—2007), Priority North, 2007, Riga.
13. Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007—2013. Approved projects, available at: http://eu.baltic.net/Approved_projects.4589.html (accessed 20 September 2012).
14. Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007—2013. Approved projects, available at: http://eu.baltic.net/index.php?&id=5308&contentid= (accessed 21 September 2012).
15. BestAgers, available at: http://www.best-agers-project.eu/ (accessed 23 September 2012).
16. BSR QUICK. Summary of the project, available at: http://www.bsr-quick.eu/4.html (accessed 19 September 2012).
17. Co2olBricks Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments, available at: http://www.co2olbricks.eu/index.php?id=55 (accessed 19 September 2012).
18. Turning Europe into a true Innovation Union, 2010, Europa. Press Release RAPID, 2 October, available at: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?
reference=MEMO/10/473&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en (accessed 11 October 2012).
19. Short information on the project partners and their role in the IBI Net, 2010, IBI Net Intercountry Business Incubator Network, available at: http://www.ibi-net.eu/project-partners (accessed 20 September 2012).
20. ICTforHealth. Information Communication Technology, available at: http://www.ictforhealth.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=45&Itemid=27 (accessed 20 September 2012).
21. Complex development of regional cooperation in the field of open ICT innovations, KARELIA ENPI CBC, available at: http://www.kareliaenpi.eu/fi/teemat/cross-border-solutions/hankkeet/154-complex-development-of-regio... -in-the-field-of-open-ict-innovations (accessed 17 September 2012).
22. Green cities and settlements — Sustainable spatial development in remote border areas, KARELIA ENPI CBC, available at: http://www.kareliaenpi.eu/fi/teemat/cross-border-solutions/hankkeet/160-green-cities-and-settlements... (accessed 18 September 2012).
23. The projects, KARELIA ENPI CBC, available at: http://www.kareliaenpi.eu/en/themes/cross-border-solutions/projects (accessed 17 September 2012).
24. 2007—2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC, KEEP Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes, available at: http://www.territorialcooperation.eu/frontpage/project_programme/43/2007 %20-%202013 %20Kolarctic%20ENPI%20CBC (accessed 12 September 2012).
25. Project — Arctic Materials Technologies, KEEP Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes, available at: http://www.territorialcooperation.eu/frontpage/show/6457 (accessed 16 September 2012).
26. Project — Coastal environment, technology and innovation in the Arctic, KEEP Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes, available at: http://www.territorialcooperation.eu/frontpage/show/5099 (accessed 15 September 2012).
27. Project — Innovation and Business Cooperation, KEEP Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes, available at: http://www.territorialcooperation.eu/frontpage/show/6455 (accessed 16 September 2012).
28. Project — Kolarctic IT Education, Networking, Patnership and Innovation, KEEP Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes, available at: http://www.territorialcooperation.eu/frontpage/show/5105 (accessed 12 September 2012).
29. About the Project Longlife, LONGLIFE, available at: //www.longlife-world.eu/project_en.html (accessed 18 September 2012).
30. Projects, SOUTH-EAST FINLAND — RUSSIA ENPI CBC 2007—2013, available at: http://www.southeastfinrusnpi.fi/ (accessed 16 September 2012).