
Как Хизер научилась писать: медийный ликбез и «поттеровы войны»

Автор Дженкинс Г.
Страницы 327-344
Статья Загрузить
Список литературы 1.      Jenkins H. (ed.) The Children’s Culture Reader. N. Y., 1998    
2.      To the Adults [Electronic re-source]. Mode of access: http://www.dprophet.com/hq/openletter.html    
3.      Jenkins H. Going Bonkers!: Children, Play, and 1980 Pee-Wee Herman//Penley C., Willis Sh. (eds.) Male Trouble. Minneapolis, 1993    
4.      Dyson A. H. Writing Superheroes: Contemporary Childhood, Popular Cul-ture, and Classroom Literacy. N. Y., 1997    
5.      Schoefer Ch. Harry Potter’s Girl Trouble//Salon. 2000. Jan. 13. [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://dir.salon.com/books/feature/2000/01/13/potter/index.html?sid=566202.    
6.      Gregory Ch. Hands Off Harry Potter!: Have Critics of J. K. Rowling’s Books Even Read Them?//Salon. 2000. March, 1. [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.salon.com/books/feature/2000/03/01/harrypotter    
7.      Seiter E. Sold Seperately: Children and Parents in Consumer Culture. New Brunswick; N. Y., 1993    
8.      Gee J. Language, Learning, and Gaming: A Critique of Traditional Schooling. N. Y., 2005    
9.      Wolf Sh. A., Heath Sh. B. Braid of Literature: Children’s World of Reading. Cambridge, 1992    
10.      Durack E. Beta Reading! [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.writersu.com/WU//modules.php?name+News&file=article&sid=17    
11.      Black R. W. Anime-inspired Affiliation: An Ethno-graphic Inquiry Into the Literacy and Social Practices of English Language Learners Writing in the Fanfiction Community [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://labweb.education.wisc.edu/room130/PDFS/InRevision.pdf    
12.      Материалы сайта “The Leaky Cauldron” от 16 июня 2001 года (http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/MTarchives/000767.htm

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