Physics, mathematics, and technology

2011 Issue №10

Numerical solution of the Schrödinger equations with polynomial potentials (Part II)


The algorithm of the numerical realization of a fundamental solution of a Cauchy problem for the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation with polynomial potentials is described. The stationary Schrodinger equation for a proton in the double potential well is solved by using Ritz variation method. The Green’s function is formed on a discrete spectrum of these solutions and after that the fundamental solution of the non-stationary Schrodinger equation is numerically calculated and applied to compounds with intramolecular hydrogen bonds.

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Set of algorithms for constructing university timetable — part 2: Data presentation structure and algorithm for building a base solution


An algorithm for building a base multitude of solutions for the university timetabling problem is proposed. An algorithm allowed to get at least one correct timetable if such exists. Computational complexity is reduced with using a special set of heuristics and timetable data presentation model.

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