Philology, pedagogy, and psychology

2011 Issue №11

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Some problems of ecological education of students of military higher education institutions and possible ways to solve them



This article is devoted to the features of ecological education at a military higher education institution pertaining to the need to apply the competence model of specialist training. The author analyses the research and pedagogical problems of organization of military professional ecological training of students of different fields of study and offers the ways to solve them in the framework of the competence approach concept.


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5. Об образовании: закон РФ от 10 июля 1992 г. № 3266-1 (в ред. ФЗ от 28 сент. 2010 г.) // Ведомости Съезда народных депутатов Рос. Федерации и Верховного совета Рос. Федерации. 1992. № 30. Ст. 1797; Российская газета. 2010. 30 сент.

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